Agree that we should adopt Java8 standards related to JavaDoc.
I think we should have a CI job that does the check from now, even if it
fails until we finished what you propose.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny <>

> Hi guys,
> Java 8 is pretty picky when it comes to Javadoc. In order to cut the
> latest release, I had to add this line in the main pom.xml :
>         <additionalparam>-Xdoclint:none</additionalparam>
> At this point, I think that we should benefit from the strictness of Java
> 8 and get the Javadoc fixed for the next release. That would have the side
> benefit of also make our doco better...
> It mightbe a good idea for the other projects and versions to do the same
> (tedious) work.
> thoughts ?


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