Greg Stein wrote on 7/6/17 4:01 AM:
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 1:23 AM, Henri Yandell <> wrote:
>> ...
>> I'd like to ask on legal-discuss@ for an exception (one year?) to continue
>> using ZeroMQ, with prominent documentation, in MXNet given the trend
>> towards MPL 2.0.
> I'm not super cozy with the idea of explicit exceptions to licensing
> issues. Forward progress mitigates that a bit.

I'm not cozy either.  And you've confirmed crystal-clear that the
exception is clearly valid in this use case and that users won't somehow
believe (or need to act) as if the reciprocal clauses in the Zero*
software would apply to the podling's release?
> Are there other libraries that could be used, should ZeroMQ *not* get
> itself relicensed? In other words, could there be a simultaneous move
> towards two options: new library, or a relicensed zeromq?
>> Any concerns before I do so?
> I'd say: no graduation, until solved, regardless of whether an exception is
> provided.

Agreed.  Including LGPL code in any Apache product release is not a good
idea immaterial of any explicit exceptions.  Merely because the
exception may technically make it legally compliant is not the point;
end-users will be surprised to see anything *GPL* in Apache products.

> Cheers,
> -g

- Shane

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