
Currently I try to get rid of the buffering of the extension filter. (No
code yet, just many many thoughts about it)

First of all: Who says we have to render the <script src= stuff in

I tried a short XHTML and checked it on http://validator.w3.org/check -
it didnt complain about it.
A short look in
http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/xhtml11_dtd.html#a_xhtml11_dtd shows

<!-- These elements are neither block nor inline, and can
     essentially be used anywhere in the document body.
<!ENTITY % Misc.class

so this makes me thinking we can get rid of it without any troubles.

So why cant we just render the script in place and are fine with it.

Just the JsValueChangeListener is an exception which know a
"bodyTagEvent" attribute. But I think we can get rid of it and handle
this through the new to come documentBody tag.

There are also other ideas, but I will discuss them after I know why we
can NOT get rid of the script tag in html-head ;-)


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