
Our plan was to implicit start a conversation as soon as a conversation
been will be created through spring.

Well, to know which conversationContext we are currently working in
(this context is required for "multiple window" awareness) we have to
add a request parameter to every rendered url.
This already works pretty well, BUT one has to ensure that the
s:startConversation tag is the very first on a page using conversations
to allow the system to configure itself appropriate so that the url
parameter will be appended.
At least, the s:startConversation has to be before e.g. the form stuff.

Now, with implicit started conversations this is not that easy any more.

I see two solutions:
1) still support the startConversation (in addition to the implicit
started one for sure). In fact I'll keep backward compatibility anyway,
so this will happen anyway.
2) standardize the backing-bean concept (aka ViewController)
Technically spoken: We have a PhaseListener which try to lookup a bean
using a name derived from the viewId (like shale's ViewController).
If this bean is in conversation scope (or one of its injected properties
if you have request scoped backing-beans - like me ;-) ) this would have
started a conversation then and the system is fine again.

What do you think, would someone see such a standardization as a bad thing?
IMHO having such a view controller concept would help much (not only for
conversations), e.g. we too can have those "prerender" methods etc we
often would like to have.


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