> Sounds good - can you send your example again utilizing the
> detailStamp approach if that fits?
So, not it is getting "stressy" again. I have a bad need for it now.

So, using the detailStamp approach it might look like:

<t:datable var="group1" value="#{bean.data}">
   <t:column colspan="10">
       <t:outputText value="#{group1.headerValue}" />
   <f:facet name="detailStamp">
     <t:datable var="group2" value="#{group1.groupData}" embedded="true">
         <t:column colspan="2">
             <t:outputText value="#{group2.headerValue2}" />
         <t:column colspan="8">
             <t:outputText value="#{group2.headerValue2}" />
         <f:facet name="detailStamp">
           <t:datable var="detail" value="#{group2.detailData}"
                   <t:outputText value="#{detail.value1}" />
                   <t:outputText value="#{detail.value10}" />

Additionally I'd like to introduce a headerStamp and footerStamp which
renders into the head/foot of the table (if possible) and thus allows
you to have multi-row header/footer.
Effectively these new stamps might work with an embedded datatable only
(for now).

I'll start doing so now, ok?


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