> Orchestra having its own JspStateManagerImpl sounds "interesting"
> though. Enabling this on Sun Mojarra for example will quite radically
> change the way that a JSF app on Mojarra performs. That's not really
> Orchestra's role.
I thought about this like an optional feature one has to configure in
their own faces-config.xml

> What is *really* needed is for the StateManager spec to have some
> mechanism to externalise the state, then have Orchestra override just
> that.
+1 But that is not here yet!

> Is it not possible to apply the "decorator" pattern to whatever
> StateManager implementation the current JSF implementation provides?
No, unfortunately, no!
On the other hand, if you replace the state manager it should work with
any other JSF impl too ... as long as it follows the standard by
dispatching anything through the StateManager, no?


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