These new browsers (with CSS3) support shadows?

Glauco P. Gomes

Andrew Robinson escreveu:
This has nothing to do with the demo. I am asking about the new
myfaces skin which users will be able to create their applications
using it.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So..  3 isn't even released yet.  Soon it will be 50% on 2 and 50% on 3..
I'm of the opinion that the people who really care about eye candy will have
a more up to date browser.  And besides, this is a technical demo, there are
developers and PM's who will be looking at it.


 Andrew Robinson wrote:

The problem is that approx 50% of firefox users use 1.5 and the other
50% use 2, about 0% use FF3. No one is on IE 3 yet. (not counting


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I like Matt's idea personally.


 Andrew Robinson wrote:

So use @agent with the new version support in the skin? FF3, IE8 -
rounded - FF2, IE7 squared (I can't speak to Opera and Safari since I
have never used them)?

Would take a long time for people to used these browsers, but it would
dramatically increase performance (much less HTML bulk). I am not
sure, would like to hear what others think.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Matt Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey Andrew,

 How about just using the CSS3 rounded corner styles already
 in Firefox and Safari?  Of course we'd fall back into square
 in IE.


 On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Andrew Robinson
 > Looking at the many of the renderers for Trinidad components I do
 >  see a lot of skinning selectors that would enable rounded

 >  example, the panelTabbed has some nice selectors for the tabs,
 >  only one selector for the body, so it would not be possible to
 >  the body corners, only the tabs themselves.
 >  Is this something we want to address for the new myfaces skin or
 >  should we just sacrifice LnF for performance at the moment and
 >  the corners square and no drop shadows or other nice effects?
 >  -Andrew



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