I think that there are some good things to think about and talk about
here. I just don't have time at the moment to really dive into this.
Just wanted to respond so as not to look like I am ignoring the


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Blake Sullivan
> OK, looking at the rest of the JIRA issues:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-664
> Is a request for a component to add partial trigger functionality to
> non-Trinidad components.  The supplied code is uncommented, so some of the
> proposed functionality is unclear, however this raises the general issue of
> whether there is additional Trinidad functionality that we would like to add
> to an adapter component.  On the implementation side, now that we have
> FlattenedComponents, all behavior-only components should be implemented as
> flattened components.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-663
> As noted in the JIRA, this is actually three different issues:
> It is not currently possible out of the box to control when in the JSF
> lifecycle a Trinidad component triggers its partial notification outside of
> actually changing the phase ID of the events, which is not always possible.
> Also, it is very difficult to have a component listen to many components.
> For example, someone may want to say, re-render component x when any child
> of y is triggered.
> There is also no functionality for a push type of PPR. Meaning that right
> now components specify that they want to be triggered, but there is no way
> to say for a component to target other components (for example, specify on a
> button to re-render a text box, instead of specifying on a text-box to
> re-render on that button).
> Of these, Adam clearly doubted whether the first was necessary or desirable:
> On 8/28/07, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I got it to work with a custom component. I created a component that
>> doesn't render, that simply houses children. In the queueEvent method
>> of that component, if the type of the event is ActionEvent, I then use
>> it to add components as partial targets.
>> It just would be nice to have this supported by Trinidad out of the
>> box. A4J creates AjaxEvents that have their phase ID set to ANY, so
>> they fire almost immediately, and thus work regardless of what phases
>> are run.
>> I'm just wondering if there would be any harm to moving the code from
>> the broadcast method to the queue method.
> «  [hide part of quote]
> Yes, there would be!  It'd break the semantics of partialTriggers.
> If you want your action event to fire in the "ANY" phase, just set
> immediate="true".
> -- Adam
> The second of these--PPRing a container when children fire a PPR-triggering
> event, is interesting but one of those cases where it would be nice to
> collect up the possible use cases (is it any descendant or only children,
> would we need additional filtering controls--for example by type of
> component or type of triggering event, etc.) but the bigger issue is that if
> we were to add this functionality to Trinidad itself, wouldn't it be more
> natural to do so by adding a real partial trigger object and then allowing
> page authors who need a more specialized trigger to use an
> <af:partialTrigger> tag to add it declaratively (if we do need the
> functionality from the first item, this behavior could also be specified on
> the PartialTrigger object)
> The third of these, adding support for partialTargets in addition to
> partialTriggers is interesting.  When I originally implemented PPR for UIX,
> the forerunner of ADF Faces and Trindad, the components had a partialTargets
> attribute that specified the components to PPR when the component in
> question fired an event.  I did this because:
> 1) It mapped directly to the implementation, which only cares about which
> components need to be PPRed on a particular request
> 2) I just didn't think to hard about the fact that I had done things
> backwards and that partialTriggers was the right way to do this if we were
> only going to have one way, so it was a good thing Adam changed this when he
> converted the UIX code to the ADF Faces code.
> Anyway, if we really do need to declaratively support both schemes, the main
> question is what is the best way of exposing the functionality.  We have a
> continuum of page author convenience and discoverability that looks like
> this:
> 1) Collection attribute on component exposed as an attribute on the
> component tag  (partialTargets="foo bar")
> 2) Collection attribute on component exposed as an attribute tag
> (<af:partialTarget target="foo"/><af:partialTarget target="bar"/>)
> 3) Declarative event listener on component (<af:partialTarget targets="foo
> bar"/>)(The tricky part here is that components don't fire a PPR event to
> listen to)
> 4) Wrapper component
> I think that 3) is actually the most architecturally pleasing, but requires
> the most change to the component and PPR infrastructure (though not in any
> interesting way).  1) and 2) are closest to how partialTriggers are
> exposed.  4) requires the least work from the rest of the system, but is the
> most different.  Which of these we prefer, if we want to go here at all
> right now, also depends on how often we think page authors would use this
> feature.
> -- Blake Sullivan
> Andrew Robinson said the following On 5/15/2008 2:02 PM PT:
> I would like to get back on track to the original subject and not let
> the messaging subject hijack the thread.
> Original topic:
> Is there enough interest from the developer community in supporting
> non-HTML PPR based components oriented for making PPR more declarative
> and extend PPR support for non-Trinidad components.
> I can write such components, but to be any use to the community there
> needs to be more than one developer supporting such a set of
> components so that the are adequately maintained.
> @Blake - feel free to start a new thread on TRINIDAD-697 if you wish
> or if you feel so inclined, provide a patch for the framework fix.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Blake Sullivan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew Robinson said the following On 5/15/2008 12:08 PM PT:
> Taking one use case and putting it at the framework level will not
> address all possible use cases. The desire to have something always
> rendered does not have to be limited to messages. Furthermore, this
> assumes that messages are always shown using the Trinidad framework,
> which is a bad assumption. For example, the Tomahawk message component
> is much better for customizability than the Trinidad one.
> Are you saying that Adam's proposal does completely solve the issue raised
> in
> but you have further goals mentioned in Trinidad-663 and Trinidad-664 or not
> mentioned in any Jira that you would also like to address.  However, even if
> Adam's proposal doesn't address all of your issues, it sounds like we would
> want to use it to solve Trinidad-697 because it can solve this case without
> any page hacking on the part of the page author.
> -- Blake Sullivan
> Adding a new components gives users the flexibility to choose the way
> they want to implement it and be able to work with non-Trinidad
> libraries. IMO this is a much better solution than a small enhancement
> for Trinidad messaging and JavaScript.
> -Andrew
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Blake Sullivan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why doesn't Adam's proposal:
> This all seems like enormous overkill *just* to get messages
> sent down.  We have Javascript that can insert messages
> on the client.  All we need to do is lean slightly on that code
> to reuse it for inserting server-side messages, and this'll work fine
> without any architectural changes at all.
> -- Adam
> Solve
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-697
> at the framework level?
> -- Blake Sullivan
> Andrew Robinson said the following On 5/15/2008 11:03 AM PT:
> He mentioned ways to do it using backing beans and non-declarative
> ways. He also didn't like my "always render" functionality of one of
> the components.
> Here are the links for just the 2 components that I already did and
> bugs and discussions surrounding them (but I think there is room for
> more along these lines):
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-697
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-663
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-664
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/trinidad/branches/arobinson-ppr-components
> Related discussions:
> http://tinyurl.com/5vdb57
> http://tinyurl.com/5mrm8k
> http://tinyurl.com/56zk8f
> -Andrew
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Blake Sullivan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew Robinson said the following On 5/14/2008 6:40 PM PT:
> In the past, I created 2 new components to make PPR easier from a
> declarative stand point. At the time, Adam Winer disagreed with their
> inclusion. Now, I wanted to see if there would be any objections to
> such
> components.
> Adam is pretty reasonable about these kinds of things.  What were his
> objections?
> -- Blake Sullivan
> I was thinking that that they would go in the sandbox first, then if
> they
> seem to be acceptible, move them into a new tag namespace (like tra:
> for
> AJAX or trp: for ppr).
> I won't be working on this right away probably as I am still working
> on
> the new demo when I have the time and energy, but I wanted to get a
> feel
> for
> what people think.
> An example component is one that can trigger a PPR re-rendering if any
> children components either (1) queue an event (immedate) or (2)
> broadcast an
> event.
> -Andrew
> Sent from my iPod

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