If the Demo includes JSTL, will it work on a J2EE server?
  ( I suspect the server will/should complain when 2 copies/version of
    JSTL exists )

If not then when should distribute :
  A) J2EE version and non-J2EE version of
  B) containing a J2EE and non-J2EE version of
     trinidad-demo.war and trinidad-blank.war

Paul Spencer

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
IMO this isn't necessary. We already control whether we deploy the myfaces jars using a profile. Can't we add a profile which includes the JSTL jars in the demo when it's built? Also, it should be easy enough to add them to tomcat as a shared library as well.


Paul Spencer wrote:
The current Trinidad demo will not work in a non-J2EE container, i.e. Tomcat 6.0, because it does not contain the JSTL jar. Should we add a non-J2EE demo to the distribution?

I would say yes because it simplifies the process of getting the demo running in an not-J2EE environment.

Paul Spencer

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