Right. I'm for #3... And lets face it. The EASIEST way to run the demo is to download the tag and in the demo directory type mvn jetty:run..

Hey Paul, do you want to contribute the documentation via the website or wiki?


Paul Spencer wrote:
Scott and Andrew,
The goal is to make it easy for a user to get the demo up and running with minimal frustration. Since I am not currently working in a J2EE environment, my desire to quickly get the demo running in order to test the 1.2.8 release did not include a J2EE server. I dropped the war in an available Tomcat server and then had to determine why the demo failed to run. After determining the I need a JSTL jar, I was able to test the release.

I make the following suggested solutions, in order of preference:

1) "distribute" a non-J2EE Demo and Blank either in the existing Example distribution or in an non-J2EE distribution.

2) Add installation instruction that include instructions for J2EE and non-J2EE environments. The instructions, including any required jars, should be included in the .zip/.tar.gz file.

3) Add instructions on building a non-J2EE environment from the source.

What ever solution is chosen, the instructions should also be on the Demo's web page[1].

Paul Spencer


Scott O'Bryan wrote:

Yeah, that's what I proposed. Paul wants us to "distribute" the non-j2ee version with our examples...


Andrew Robinson wrote:

We can relatively easily create a tomcat profile that could be used to
deploy onto tomcat by changing the dependency scope from to provided
to compile right?

Just as we have the jetty profile and the jetty plugin registered, we
can do the same for tomcat I think.

The drawback of course is maintaining the poms for different servers


On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well documentation is easy. I'm just not excited about having to maintain two trees or wasting a lot of spacing building multiple versions of a demo application when all someone has to do is look at the pre-req's and make
sure it's available in their environment.


Paul Spencer wrote:
Well I sort of assumed that people wanting configurations outside of the standard supported J2EE configuration would compile the branch themselves.

And this is document where :)


I am of the opinion that a demo/example should run as distributed and the installation should be intuitive. In this case the distribution is build for a J2EE environment, but it is not obvious to anyone installing it.

Paul Spencer

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Well I sort of assumed that people wanting configurations outside of the standard supported J2EE configuration would compile the branch themselves.


Paul Spencer wrote:
If the Demo includes JSTL, will it work on a J2EE server?
( I suspect the server will/should complain when 2 copies/version of
   JSTL exists )

If not then when should distribute :
 A) J2EE version and non-J2EE version of Example.zip/tar.gz
 B) Example.zip/tar.gz containing a J2EE and non-J2EE version of
    trinidad-demo.war and trinidad-blank.war

Paul Spencer

Scott O'Bryan wrote:
IMO this isn't necessary. We already control whether we deploy the myfaces jars using a profile. Can't we add a profile which includes the JSTL jars in the demo when it's built? Also, it should be easy enough to
add them to tomcat as a shared library as well.


Paul Spencer wrote:
The current Trinidad demo will not work in a non-J2EE container, i.e. Tomcat 6.0, because it does not contain the JSTL jar. Should we add a
non-J2EE demo to the distribution?

I would say yes because it simplifies the process of getting the demo
running in an not-J2EE environment.

Paul Spencer

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