Ok Jeanne. Thank you!

One more question, in order to transform the XSS files in CSS files, in
base-desktop.xss there are some styles which are mode-dependent. Should we
add @mode in the CSS? Or do you have any other idea?


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 7:17 AM, Jeanne Waldman <jeanne.wald...@oracle.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I looked into the performance issues and they have nothing to do with the
> new features we have been adding recently, so we are ok to add patches.
> I'll add this to my todo list, but if anyone else has some time in the next
> couple of days, feel free to review the patch.
> Jeanne
> Jeanne Waldman wrote, On 1/21/2010 11:51 AM PT:
> Ok. Our performance team has noticed the Skinning Framework is using more
> memory than not that long ago, so I want to look into that before we add
> anymore patches.
> Jeanne
> Marius Petoi wrote, On 1/19/2010 1:23 AM PT:
> Hi Jeanne,
> The new patch is ready.
> Marius
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Marius Petoi <marius.pe...@codebeat.ro>wrote:
>> Ok. Then I shall adapt dealing with the aliases and I shall inform you
>> when the new patch is ready.
>> Marius
>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Jeanne Waldman <
>> jeanne.wald...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> I'm fine with your syntax. I think it is clearer as well. I was just
>>> giving an alternative option if people wanted to vote on it.
>>> Marius Petoi wrote, On 1/15/2010 12:05 AM PT:
>>> Yes, 'name' is an alias...I introduced it because I saw it was done this
>>> way in the XSS. I will remove it. Are you saying I should change the syntax?
>>> I personally think it is clearer this way.
>>> Marius
>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 1:45 AM, Jeanne Waldman <
>>> jeanne.wald...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> What is 'name'? Is that an alias? We distinguished between selector and
>>>> name in XSS but we don't in the CSS format. We still do in the code, but 
>>>> the
>>>> person working with the css shouldn't know the difference.
>>>> Yes, the con of my suggestion is that order matters and the user needs
>>>> to know what the order means .I can see them not knowing is color what I'm
>>>> setting or is color what I'm retrieving? That is what I think the con is 
>>>> for
>>>> the CSS syntax like *padding: 0px 2px 3px 4px*
>>>> Regarding your link, I haven't had time to look at that yet.
>>>> Jeanne
>>>> Marius Petoi wrote, On 1/12/2010 11:46 PM PT:
>>>> Hi Jeanne,
>>>> Thank you for the answer! Like in the situation of -tr-rule-ref, the
>>>> list of properties is comma separated. I don't understand what you mean by
>>>> camel-case...The name of the new property can be whatever the user wishes
>>>> for. Afterwards, it will be treated like all the other properties in the
>>>> CSS. Regarding the new syntax you suggested, first of all, we may have a
>>>> selector or a name, in which case "selector" is replaced with "name". Also,
>>>> another problem is the order in which they appear; with this syntax it can
>>>> be any order.
>>>> How about
>>>> http://markmail.org/search/?q=skinning%20list%3Aorg.apache.myfaces.dev#query:skinning%20list%3Aorg.apache.myfaces.dev%20order%3Adate-backward+page:3+mid:3au5ilvrrpbxopgx+state:results?
>>>>  Did you have the time to look over it too?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Marius
>>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Jeanne Waldman <
>>>> jeanne.wald...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>  Another idea for the syntax comes from the rgb color syntax -
>>>>> color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)
>>>>> You could use this syntax, and not specify what each of the properties is 
>>>>> for:-tr-include-property:
>>>>> property("af|foo", "color", "background-color")
>>>>> or
>>>>> property(af|foo, color, background-color)
>>>>> I like this because it's shorter, but I don't like it since they will 
>>>>> have to look up which is which, something I have to do when I use the 
>>>>> border: 0px 3px 2px 1px syntax - which is right, left, top, bottom.
>>>>> Jeanne
>>>>> Jeanne Waldman wrote, On 1/12/2010 10:21 AM PT:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks for this patch.
>>>>> I will have to look at the CSS spec to see if this syntax conforms to
>>>>> other CSS syntaxes. This is what I usually do when I try to come up with a
>>>>> new skinning api.
>>>>> Like, is the comma standard, or should it be space-separated? Is the
>>>>> camel-case standard, or should it be '-'s.
>>>>> I think it looks good, but I'll have to look at it closer before I
>>>>> vote.
>>>>> Jeanne
>>>>> Marius Petoi wrote, On 1/11/2010 4:52 AM PT:
>>>>> Is there anyone who has already reviewed this or added them on his/her
>>>>> TODO list? Thank you in advance!
>>>>> Marius
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Marius Petoi <
>>>>> marius.pe...@codebeat.ro> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I created a new JIRA task for this issue (
>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-1680) and I added a
>>>>>> patch for it.
>>>>>> I introduced a new -tr property: "-tr-include-property". The syntax of
>>>>>> this is:
>>>>>>      -tr-include-property:
>>>>>> property(selector="af|foo",propertyName="color",
>>>>>> localPropertyName="background-color")
>>>>>> In SkinStyleSheetParserUtils, when the selectors are parsed, similar
>>>>>> to the -tr-rule-ref, I introduced a list of includedProperties. The rules
>>>>>> defined with -tr-include-property are parsed and the list of
>>>>>> includedProperties is filled up. In the end, when the StyleNode is 
>>>>>> created,
>>>>>> this list is passed to the constructor.
>>>>>> I also introduced the new feature in the documentation.
>>>>>> Is the syntax of the new rule ok? And if so, please have a look over
>>>>>> the patch and tell me whether I should modify anything.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Marius

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