
I have done the following steps:

1. Override tr:document renderer to include a copy of jQuery.
2. Set in top of the skin, just one generated by Themeroller.
3. Take casablanca skin as base model and copy it in a new file.
4. Use -tr-rule-ref and -tr-property-ref (with some improvements) to
grab the parameters from the generated Themeroller skin.

That's it!

Here is the result so far:


The good part is, in casablanca skin there is already multiple layers
of selectors, so you only need to change a couple of them. That work
is already done, so you only need to map some properties.

Looks promising.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/21 Scott O'Bryan <darkar...@gmail.com>:
> This was a thread talked about on the user list.  In short, Leonardo is
> interested in writing a Trinidad skin that could be used with theme-roller
> stylesheets so that the LAF of Trinidad could match custom JQuery ui
> components.  This may help quell some of the desire to move Trinidad
> Component system to change to use JQuery by enabling trinidad and JQuery to
> operate side by side.
> He proposes to do this by adding some features to the skinning framework.  I
> am forwarding this to the dev list for input and discussion.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>
> Date: June 21, 2012 6:35:59 AM MDT
> To: MyFaces Discussion <us...@myfaces.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: [TRINIDAD] JQuery (was: Trinidad is dead -- what do you use
> instead?)
> Reply-To: "MyFaces Discussion" <us...@myfaces.apache.org>
> Hi
> I can dedicate some time to this issue. It is an interesting thing to
> do, and I have enough knowledge in JSF and Trinidad codebase. Anyway,
> it could be good if you can review the code.
> It seems we need to extend -tr-property-ref to allow a syntax like this:
> .somecssclass {
>    border: 1px solid #aed0ea;
> }
> border-color: -tr-property-ref(".somecssclass", "border", "3");
> To retrieve for example, in this case, only the color of the border
> and so on. Any idea about how to specify that?.
> Maybe we should more this discussion to dev list.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/21 Scott O'Bryan <darkar...@gmail.com>:
> Yeah, something like this MIGHT work in the case where the styles
> 'fit' the current DOM.  You're right that there is a lot of
> flexibility there.
> In any case, I think this approach (integrating theme-roller) has the
> most merit because, instead of rewriting Trinidad's JS, we simply
> allow JQuery and Trinidad to co-exist under a common look and feel. :D
> Now for the $1,000,000 question.  Who wants to do it?
> Scott
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 21, 2012, at 3:25 AM, Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Going back to TRINIDAD-2120, I have seen that is not really necessary to
> create a parser. Instead we can use trinidad skinning code to do that. For
> example:
> .AFDarkBackground:alias {
>    background-color: -tr-property-ref(".ui-widget-header","color");
> }
> .AFDarkAccentBackground:alias {
>    -tr-rule-ref: selector(".ui-widget-content");
> }
> Trinidad skinning is already able to read any css and use it to derive
> another skin.
> I also tried to override a rendered using this hack:
> http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/2008/02/20/extending-trinidads-default-renderers/
> The idea was override <tr:document> to include jQuery script. It works.
> We could do a "mixed" strategy. Create a custom RenderKit for trinidad,
> but only override some specific renderers. Also, create a "template" theme
> like is proposed in TRINIDAD-2120 and add it as a skin addition. For
> example:
>    <skin>
>        <id>cupertino.desktop</id>
>        <family>cupertino</family>
>        <render-kit-id>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.desktop</render-kit-id>
>  <style-sheet-name>skins/themeroller/cupertino/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css</style-sheet-name>
>    </skin>
>    <skin-addition>
>        <skin-id>cupertino.desktop</skin-id>
>  <style-sheet-name>skins/themeroller/trinidad-theme.css</style-sheet-name>
>    </skin-addition>
>    <skin-addition>
>        <skin-id>cupertino.desktop</skin-id>
>        <style-sheet-name>skins/themeroller/layout.css</style-sheet-name>
>    </skin-addition>
> In that way, you can still use ThemeRoller app / jQuery UI CSS
> Framework to create
> your own skin, and apply it transparently in trinidad.
> So, our first task would be try apply a themeroller skin into
> Trinidad, without change any renderer.
> Then, optionally we can try to change the component renderers to use
> some jquery widgets.
> WDYT? Suggestions are welcome.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/21 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I see. We could try that. What I like about that idea is that it
> reduce the amount of files to be created, and at the end sounds less
> restrictive and go aligned with the efforts in TRINIDAD-2120.
> Also, here we have the whole point of the discussion. If we can take
> some skins and include them in Trinidad, do we really need jQuery
> inside Trinidad? For example, Trinidad casablanca skin look very good,
> and it does not suppose use any additional js at all. Note that does
> not means you cannot use jQuery together with Trinidad, but if you
> have a way to convert ThemeRoller skins into Trinidad, the code
> created with jQuery UI could be mixed in a transparent way with
> Trinidad, because the L & F will look the same. At the end, we could
> change the question about use jQuery or not into this question: How we
> can use jQuery UI and create custom widgets and have the same skin
> applied when using JSF + Trinidad?.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/20 Scott O'Bryan <darkar...@gmail.com>:
> Right.  That's kind of why I suggested a style sheet parser.  The idea
> is to take some of the styles generated by file roller (the ones that
> we can) and use them to generate a Trinidad skinning file.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 20, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Walter
> Yes, I know that. There is no stopper that could avoid us to use the
> datepicker widget, but note to limit the scope of the work, it sounds
> more convenient to take some styles from that widget and make them
> "fit" in the current implementation. It will take less time and
> effort. Later, we could try to see if we can use the widget.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/20 Walter Mourão <walter.mou...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Leonard,
> I did not understand very well.
> Just take what's useful of
> jQuery (css stuff) and forget about the rest.
> How about the components ? Do you mean we can 'decorate' the inputs and
> other things using only the CSS ? The
> datepicker<http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/>,
> for example, needs some javascript..
> Thanks,
> Walter Mourão
> http://waltermourao.com.br
> http://arcadian.com.br
> http://oriens.com.br
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I think it is possible, but note Trinidad skins has a lot more
> details. In theory
> you could extract the meta-info of the skin and try to generate a trinidad
> skin,
> from a parametrized template, but it is necessary to adjust tha
> template "at hand".
> For example, I tried to take casablanca skin, because its selectors are
> more
> simple to understand.
> The idea about create a custom RenderKit from scratch sounds like a lot of
> work,
> but if we make some simplifications it could be possible. After all,
> it should be
> possible to reuse code from other renderkits. What I like about this
> is we can do
> it without change any trinidad internals at all. Just take what's useful of
> jQuery (css stuff) and forget about the rest.
> Sounds like something doable in a reasonable amount of time, and maybe it
> is
> something with high priority, given the amount of people interested.
> After all, for
> now MyFaces Core is in good shape, and there is some time until JSF 2.2.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/19 Scott O'Bryan <darkar...@gmail.com>:
> +1.  Theme roller would be cool.  The problem is the current skinning
> selectors.  I'm wondering if themeroller themes couldn't be parsed
> into a skin.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 19, 2012, at 8:08 AM, Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Interesting question. In my opinion, the most interesting part to use
> from jQuery is its jQuery UI CSS Framework. Why? because defining some
> small set of selectors and a "standard" html structure to apply them,
> you can create a custom skin using ThemeRoller application. I tried to
> do something as a "proof of concept" in
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-2120 , but after some
> time I found that anyway it is necessary to create a whole RenderKit
> that can fit better with jQuery UI. In that way, some good features
> Trinidad already has will be lost, because jQuery UI is the one who
> impose the restrictions. At the end you can't have everything. In my
> opinion, I would take only jQuery UI CSS Framework, even if that means
> lose some functionality in that mode. Change Trinidad internals to use
> jQuery is overkill.
> Suggestions are welcome.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2012/6/19  <siyaphakama.sos...@accenture.com>:
> Hello Everyone
> I am a JSF and Trinidad Newbie, I just joined a project at work where
> it's going to be using Trinidad. I was assigned a task to design some forms
> and so far I haven't had the best experience with Trinidad, The Date Input
> keeps giving me errors even though I use the same code as the Trinidad
> Showcase(
> http://example.irian.at/trinidad-components-showcase-2012061903/faces/pages/demoStart.xhtml).
> The Tabbed Panel is not rendering but its showing the content. My
> conclusion is I'm having issues with components that use JavaScript even
> the Tree and there are no errors showing on Firebug. Please Help, I'm not
> sure where I'm going wrong.
> My Opinion:
> Trinidad looks like a great component library for JSF, but I think its
> documentation can use some upgrade, it's confusing for a newbie like me,
> There is no simple starting point, e.g. a basic guide, where it going to
> show basic steps to follow, like Primefaces Guide(
> http://primefaces.org/documentation.html). When I played around with
> Primefaces everything was straightforward but I wish to utilize Trinidad.
> Missing Components:
> Some will agree with me when I say I think a time picker needs to be
> added to the Trinidad Library.
> An improved Date Picker would be a plus, Compare the JQuery Date
> picker and the Trinidad Date Picker.
> Just My Opition
> Thank You
> Siya
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