Wow...  That looks really good Leonardo...  :D

I think the skin enhancements might be something we could use in core trinidad, but I would like a review of the API's first.

I understand you overrode the document to include a copy of JQuery. Could the same be accomplished generically by allowing JQuery to be loaded as a resource? Were there any other renderer's that needed to change EXCEPT the document?


On Thu 21 Jun 2012 09:14:00 AM MDT, Leonardo Uribe wrote:

I have done the following steps:

1. Override tr:document renderer to include a copy of jQuery.
2. Set in top of the skin, just one generated by Themeroller.
3. Take casablanca skin as base model and copy it in a new file.
4. Use -tr-rule-ref and -tr-property-ref (with some improvements) to
grab the parameters from the generated Themeroller skin.

That's it!

Here is the result so far:

The good part is, in casablanca skin there is already multiple layers
of selectors, so you only need to change a couple of them. That work
is already done, so you only need to map some properties.

Looks promising.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/21 Scott O'Bryan<>:
This was a thread talked about on the user list.  In short, Leonardo is
interested in writing a Trinidad skin that could be used with theme-roller
stylesheets so that the LAF of Trinidad could match custom JQuery ui
components.  This may help quell some of the desire to move Trinidad
Component system to change to use JQuery by enabling trinidad and JQuery to
operate side by side.

He proposes to do this by adding some features to the skinning framework.  I
am forwarding this to the dev list for input and discussion.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leonardo Uribe<>
Date: June 21, 2012 6:35:59 AM MDT
To: MyFaces Discussion<>
Subject: Re: [TRINIDAD] JQuery (was: Trinidad is dead -- what do you use
Reply-To: "MyFaces Discussion"<>


I can dedicate some time to this issue. It is an interesting thing to
do, and I have enough knowledge in JSF and Trinidad codebase. Anyway,
it could be good if you can review the code.

It seems we need to extend -tr-property-ref to allow a syntax like this:

.somecssclass {
    border: 1px solid #aed0ea;

border-color: -tr-property-ref(".somecssclass", "border", "3");

To retrieve for example, in this case, only the color of the border
and so on. Any idea about how to specify that?.

Maybe we should more this discussion to dev list.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/21 Scott O'Bryan<>:

Yeah, something like this MIGHT work in the case where the styles

'fit' the current DOM.  You're right that there is a lot of

flexibility there.

In any case, I think this approach (integrating theme-roller) has the

most merit because, instead of rewriting Trinidad's JS, we simply

allow JQuery and Trinidad to co-exist under a common look and feel. :D

Now for the $1,000,000 question.  Who wants to do it?


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 21, 2012, at 3:25 AM, Leonardo Uribe<>  wrote:


Going back to TRINIDAD-2120, I have seen that is not really necessary to

create a parser. Instead we can use trinidad skinning code to do that. For


.AFDarkBackground:alias {

    background-color: -tr-property-ref(".ui-widget-header","color");


.AFDarkAccentBackground:alias {

    -tr-rule-ref: selector(".ui-widget-content");


Trinidad skinning is already able to read any css and use it to derive

another skin.

I also tried to override a rendered using this hack:

The idea was override<tr:document>  to include jQuery script. It works.

We could do a "mixed" strategy. Create a custom RenderKit for trinidad,

but only override some specific renderers. Also, create a "template" theme

like is proposed in TRINIDAD-2120 and add it as a skin addition. For
















In that way, you can still use ThemeRoller app / jQuery UI CSS

Framework to create

your own skin, and apply it transparently in trinidad.

So, our first task would be try apply a themeroller skin into

Trinidad, without change any renderer.

Then, optionally we can try to change the component renderers to use

some jquery widgets.

WDYT? Suggestions are welcome.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/21 Leonardo Uribe<>:


I see. We could try that. What I like about that idea is that it

reduce the amount of files to be created, and at the end sounds less

restrictive and go aligned with the efforts in TRINIDAD-2120.

Also, here we have the whole point of the discussion. If we can take

some skins and include them in Trinidad, do we really need jQuery

inside Trinidad? For example, Trinidad casablanca skin look very good,

and it does not suppose use any additional js at all. Note that does

not means you cannot use jQuery together with Trinidad, but if you

have a way to convert ThemeRoller skins into Trinidad, the code

created with jQuery UI could be mixed in a transparent way with

Trinidad, because the L&  F will look the same. At the end, we could

change the question about use jQuery or not into this question: How we

can use jQuery UI and create custom widgets and have the same skin

applied when using JSF + Trinidad?.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/20 Scott O'Bryan<>:

Right.  That's kind of why I suggested a style sheet parser.  The idea

is to take some of the styles generated by file roller (the ones that

we can) and use them to generate a Trinidad skinning file.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Leonardo Uribe<>  wrote:

Hi Walter

Yes, I know that. There is no stopper that could avoid us to use the

datepicker widget, but note to limit the scope of the work, it sounds

more convenient to take some styles from that widget and make them

"fit" in the current implementation. It will take less time and

effort. Later, we could try to see if we can use the widget.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/20 Walter Mourão<>:

Hi Leonard,

I did not understand very well.

Just take what's useful of

jQuery (css stuff) and forget about the rest.

How about the components ? Do you mean we can 'decorate' the inputs and

other things using only the CSS ? The


for example, needs some javascript..


Walter Mourão

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Leonardo Uribe<>  wrote:


I think it is possible, but note Trinidad skins has a lot more

details. In theory

you could extract the meta-info of the skin and try to generate a trinidad


from a parametrized template, but it is necessary to adjust tha

template "at hand".

For example, I tried to take casablanca skin, because its selectors are


simple to understand.

The idea about create a custom RenderKit from scratch sounds like a lot of


but if we make some simplifications it could be possible. After all,

it should be

possible to reuse code from other renderkits. What I like about this

is we can do

it without change any trinidad internals at all. Just take what's useful of

jQuery (css stuff) and forget about the rest.

Sounds like something doable in a reasonable amount of time, and maybe it


something with high priority, given the amount of people interested.

After all, for

now MyFaces Core is in good shape, and there is some time until JSF 2.2.


Leonardo Uribe

2012/6/19 Scott O'Bryan<>:

+1.  Theme roller would be cool.  The problem is the current skinning

selectors.  I'm wondering if themeroller themes couldn't be parsed

into a skin.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 19, 2012, at 8:08 AM, Leonardo Uribe<>  wrote:


Interesting question. In my opinion, the most interesting part to use

from jQuery is its jQuery UI CSS Framework. Why? because defining some

small set of selectors and a "standard" html structure to apply them,

you can create a custom skin using ThemeRoller application. I tried to

do something as a "proof of concept" in , but after some

time I found that anyway it is necessary to create a whole RenderKit

that can fit better with jQuery UI. In that way, some good features

Trinidad already has will be lost, because jQuery UI is the one who

impose the restrictions. At the end you can't have everything. In my

opinion, I would take only jQuery UI CSS Framework, even if that means

lose some functionality in that mode. Change Trinidad internals to use

jQuery is overkill.

Suggestions are welcome.


Leonardo Uribe


Hello Everyone

I am a JSF and Trinidad Newbie, I just joined a project at work where

it's going to be using Trinidad. I was assigned a task to design some forms

and so far I haven't had the best experience with Trinidad, The Date Input

keeps giving me errors even though I use the same code as the Trinidad


The Tabbed Panel is not rendering but its showing the content. My

conclusion is I'm having issues with components that use JavaScript even

the Tree and there are no errors showing on Firebug. Please Help, I'm not

sure where I'm going wrong.

My Opinion:

Trinidad looks like a great component library for JSF, but I think its

documentation can use some upgrade, it's confusing for a newbie like me,

There is no simple starting point, e.g. a basic guide, where it going to

show basic steps to follow, like Primefaces Guide( When I played around with

Primefaces everything was straightforward but I wish to utilize Trinidad.

Missing Components:

Some will agree with me when I say I think a time picker needs to be

added to the Trinidad Library.

An improved Date Picker would be a plus, Compare the JQuery Date

picker and the Trinidad Date Picker.

Just My Opition

Thank You



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