Hi Lichun,

On 29 March 2018 at 10:42, Li-Chun Ko <littleb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running blemesh with mynewt  1.3.0 on Nordics pca 10040. Here are two
> questions I have:
> 1. Is it correct that the current mynewt release doesn't support the
> Provisioner's role? I wasn't able to find a way to do so.

This is correct. Provisioner is not supported in Mynewt. However if
you want to test mesh wit two Mynewt devices, I suggest to use
blemesh_shell application which gives you a way to hardcode mesh
credentians by using "provision" command.

> 2. I tried to use the mesh stack from Noridc to play the Provisioner's role
> but it seems the device cannot decode the unprovisioning beacon generated by
> mynewt's mesh stack correctly. I captured the beacon with wireshark 2.5.1
> and noticed that the tool cannot parse the beacon correctly either. The
> AdvData can be recognized as mesh beacon but the content is showed as
> "unknown data". I am thinking there might be some PDU format issues (I
> suspect the length field of the mesh beacon which is 24 bytes is incorrect)
> but I am not sure. I have attached a photo as the reference and hopefully
> someone can help check.

That is interesting. I did not test against Nordic stack but was
testing against PTS tool and some other implementation and have not
seen such issue.
Could you share your target configuration ("newt target show <target
name>") and wireshark logs?

BTW What bearer uses Nordic stack?

> Br,
> Lichun


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