Hi Vipul,

On Wed, Oct 09, 2019 at 12:42:51PM -0700, Vipul Rahane wrote:
> Hello,
> While making the changes for MCUmgr, we came across nmgr_uart which is a
> predecessor of nmgr_shell. So far, from what I gather, the functionality is
> the same except for the fact that shell can bring in other code which can
> increase the code size a bit.
> As a solution I was suggesting removing nmgr_uart and transitioning to
> smp_shell as part of the MCUmgr changes.
> What does the community think about it and does anybody have issues with it.
> This question was raised as the CI did not catch errors with smp_uart and
> nothing really uses it in the mynewt ecosystem. I am looking for .a quick
> turn around on this question, so, any input would be fine. Thanks.

If it isn't being used anymore, then I see no problem with removing it.

I think the old serial boot loader used to use this package.  Now that
we have switched to mcuboot, there is nothing that depends on it.

It looks like mcuboot's serial boot loader just implements its own
minimal newtmgr server and UART transport.

So I say go ahead and remove it :).


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