thanks let me try to upgrade the openocd

On 4/12/16, <> wrote:
> Nges,
> The good news is that this shows that you are connecting to the board and
> issuing commands to the target.
> The bad news is that the command Œat91samd boot loader 0` is not working
> on your openocd version. We are using 0.9.0. If you are using 0.8.0,
> Please upgrade to 0.9.0 and try again.
> Paul
> On 4/12/16, 11:57 AM, "Nges B" <> wrote:
>>Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'cmsis-dap'
>>Info : CMSIS-DAP: SWD  Supported
>>Info : CMSIS-DAP: JTAG Supported
>>Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD)
>>adapter speed: 500 kHz
>>adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
>>cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq
>>Info : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 01.1F.0118
>>Info : SWCLK/TCK = 1 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 1 TDO = 1 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1
>>Info : DAP_SWJ Sequence (reset: 50+ '1' followed by 0)
>>Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready
>>Info : clock speed 500 kHz
>>Info : IDCODE 0x0bc11477
>>Info : at91samd21g18.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints
>>target state: halted
>>target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
>>xPSR: 0x81000000 pc: 0x000028f4 msp: 0x20002c00
>>at91samd bootloader 0: command requires more arguments
>>in procedure 'at91samd'
>>Error: exit status 1

"A Goal is a Dream with a Plan and a Dateline"
Do On to Others what you will like them to do on to you.'The Golden Rule'
Firefox Student Ambassadors Regional Lead Cameroon.
Software Developer,
Web Designer and Developer.
Music DJ . Artiste at Casky Black's Record

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