As a n00b, I’ll chime in here with my experience so far … Just my $0.02, so 
take it as you will. I’ve been involved in a few ‘new’ 
product/protocol/platform development efforts over the years though.

As a new user and (potential) developer, the lack of a ‘user’ list was (as 
another has previously stated) a bit intimidating. I’m not (yet) a mynewt 
developer, just a hacker trying to get stuff working. I finally bit the bullet 
and posted to the dev list and was obviously pleasantly surprised by both the 
speed and friendliness of the response. There is a LOT of value in having the 
folks actually developing the system see all the questions from the users. I 
know it can be a distraction from the ‘real’ work to get silly questions from 
new users, but in my experience, the success of a platform is in many ways 
highly dependent on the experience of new users. If someone new can’t start 
using the platform, then you wont’ have new users, and …

I found the archives, and attempted to go through them as best I could in order 
to find answers to questions I was having initially. I figured most of them out 
on my own, from repeated trips through the docs, etc., but the email archives 
could be much more helpful. The problem is that the mail archives are … so 
1998. Not searchable, only navigable by year/month, etc. Having a proper 
interface to the mail archives would make them much more useful to users. Even 
the interface — which has search — would work nicely. Having a 
forum — along the lines of phpBB2, though those are notoriously hard to keep 
spammers out of — with an email-to-forum gateway would also be helpful.

Back to hacking …


> On May 19, 2016, at 4:42 PM, James Pace <> wrote:
> I’d personally like to see these separated. Many of the comments that are 
> coming in are routine (though very informative) and do not inform the design 
> or development of Apache Mynewt.
> And, besides, it is likely that you will have “user” and “dev”  sourced to 
> the same mailbox or mail filter!
> On May 19, 2016, at 11:12, wrote:
>> I¹d prefer to keep them together for now.  As this is new, I think that
>> developers are going to learn a lot from the users issues or questions,
>> and vice versa.  I agree that this will get too much at some point, but
>> I¹m really getting a lot from seeing the user and developer issues
>> together.
>> On 5/19/16, 11:08 AM, "aditi hilbert" <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> With Mynewt attracting an increasing number of both users and developers
>>> of various levels, it might make practical sense to have a users@ mailing
>>> list separate from dev@ mailing list. That way support questions about
>>> product usage, asks, needs etc can be separated from
>>> developer/design/architecture discussions. Of course, there has to be
>>> communication between the two groups to build truly useful and usable
>>> features, but we can bring some organization to it with the separate
>>> mailing lists. Please comment on the suggestion.
>>> Let¹s keep this thread open through the weekend to gauge the general
>>> response.
>>> thanks,
>>> aditi

David G. Simmons
(919) 534-5099
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