I think this is great too, but I don’t think it’s keeping to the mynewt coding 
standard. In particular I think the C++ wrappers are supposed to appear after 
other included files and before any file content. For sure this messes up your 
script (sorry) but it avoids any potential conflicts with the included headers. 
I’m fine being corrected on this (sure would be easier to automate this work 

Here’s the relevant section from the coding standard 
Header files must contain the following structure:

Apache License (see above)
#ifdef aliasing, to prevent multiple includes
#include directives for other required header files
#ifdef __cplusplus wrappers to maintain C++ friendly APIs
Contents of the header file
- peter

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 12:41 PM, Christopher Collins <ccoll...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 12:39:27PM -0700, Christopher Collins wrote:
>> Look great to me, thanks!  I just have a question - the commit message
>> indicates that two files were not modified:
>>    libs/baselibc/src/baselibc_test/unittests.h
>>    libs/shell/include/shell/shell_prompt.h
>> Why did you exclude these files?
> Er... the commit message also explains why they were excluded [*].
> Sorry :).
> [*] "Because the hack I used looks for normal #include guards for its place
> to put the C++ ones, and those files don't have any."

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