Well those are bad news I guess.

Tim, sorry to be so persisten with this but again, if neither Android nor
iOS allow you to specify your own keys, how can you use pre-shared keys?

If I understood correctly, I can install a unique key on each device at
manufacture and keep a copy of it in the cloud. And you said that this will
give me an out-of-the-box secure channel.

2016-12-02 19:22 GMT+01:00 Tim Hutt <tdh...@gmail.com>:

> On 2 December 2016 at 17:09, Christopher Collins <ccoll...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > Sorry if I missed this earlier in the thread, but will iOS really let
> > you use an external key for BLE encryption?  Just based on my limited
> > experience with CoreBluetooth, I wouldn't expect this functionality to
> > be exposed.
> >
> You are correct. Neither Android nor iOS allow you to specify your own
> keys.

Rodrigo Lorenzo Leal

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