Perhaps it's a limitation of the group mailing list ... no images here either, but not a huge problem.

For the firmware uploading process, what I don't like today is the very manual process that requires some previous knowledge. You first have to upload your image, then reset, then select the new image and click 'confirm' (or revert) and then reset again. You will also see an error when confirming since the return code is not 0 but it's still a non-error I believe, though it's been a while. I just think this could be easier for customers (one click updates ideally), but I'm afraid the entire update process and the various edge cases around it (failed transfer, failed confirm, etc.) were a bit hazy, and this underwent some fairly active development just before the 1.0.0 release so it was hard to keep track of the changes 100% of the time.

The more eyes that look at it the better an eventual release will be, though, so thanks for testing!


On 06/05/17 04:37, Jacob Rosenthal wrote:
Ill patch my upstream again and try some uploading soon.

One more shot, images attached instead of inlined..

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 7:24 PM, Kevin Townsend < <>> wrote:

    Hi Jacob,

    The images didn't seem to have made it through? Any feedback would
    be appreciated if you see some things to improve, though ... we
    were really hoping for some concrete feedback especially on the
    firmware update process, but at worst we'll have to publish it as
    is and work any issues or improvements out in a future update.

    Thanks for taking the time to look, though, and glad you found the
    stats useful. I think being able to stream live updates of the
    stats is a very useful non-intrusive wireless debug tool.


    On 06/05/17 03:40, Jacob Rosenthal wrote:

        Ill have to steal views like these for the web ble app.
        For anyone not in yet

        Inline image 1Inline image 2Inline image 3

        On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 6:32 PM, Jacob Rosenthal
        < <>
        <>>> wrote:

            Wow. What an Amazing dashboard view. I didnt even know all
            stats were in there. Thanks!

            On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:15 AM, aditi hilbert
        < <>
            < <>>> wrote:

                Hi Kevin,

                I am very interested in evaluating this. I do not have any
                Swift experience but I am always working on different
                for various events and would love to test this out.
                My Apple ID/email is


                > On Apr 25, 2017, at 11:25 AM, Kevin Townsend
                < <>
        < <>>> wrote:
                > Hi,
                > We're working on a basic iOS (and later Android) app
        to do
                some of the tasks newtmgr does, but via a mobile app
        you can
                download in the app store. It's intentionally limited
        for the
                moment, but you can monitor stats, tasks and perform
                updates in a common dual bank setup. The most useful
                in my opinion is that you can live 'stream' the stats,
        so you
                have a wireless window in the current state of the HW.
                > We'd like to have a couple testers for it before we
                and I can add a few people to TestFlight for feedback,
        but I'd
                really like to limit it to people who have the time to
                some feedback. The code will be open source once
                and we will contribute this to the community, but to
        get it
                into the app store we need to kick the tires in first.
                Ideally, community involved in expanding the app would be
                welcome, but we've made a first pass at putting something
                > If you have the time and interest in evaluating
        this, and
                some Swift experience would be even better, please
        reply here
                or email me the address associated with your Apple
        account and
                we can add you.
                > Kevin
                > PS: Everything is currently based on the 1.0.0 tag
        to keep
                things consistent across users.

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