I'll have to heavily disagree on this.

English could not have a Native Lang project, it's our working basis language. All projects belong to this already created english NL and it doesnt need to be created all over again. We're just duplicating work, lists, members and leaders.

The localization work is build in OOo and all the other work could be found on the general mailing lists and projects. Actual Marketing project is the English marketing project, which has and defines the global marketing plan for OOo.

But I understand that England MP plans could be diferent from the USA, and it could all still be done in the actual MP. Maybe we're just talking about having MP divisions, for USA, UK, AUS, etc and not having the need for English NLC.

Best regards,

Ryan Singer wrote on 02/15/2005 06:57 PM:
Native-Lang project: English
Project code:    en
Project level:   Level II
Project lead:    Ryan Singer
Project co-lead: Ian Lynch

This is a proposal to start an English Native-Lang Project.  This NL
project is intended to cover all variations of English. That is, it is
not specific to either US or British English, or any other variant.

The reason to start this project at Level II is that all of the
localisation work is already done for English, allowing the project to
immediately get started with grass-roots marketing. For every other
language, the respective NL project looks after grass roots marketing
efforts (banners, flyers, handing out CDs, etc) and the global
marketing goals (like the SMP) are left to the marketing project. Since the MP operates in English, the English language doesn't have an
NL project dedicated to this sort of grass roots effort. This creates
an unusual burden on English-speaking MarCons and results in missed
opportunities in English speaking countries.

An English NL project would also help lower the disparity between
projects. Right now the OOo project is roughly divided into "English"
and "everyone else". An English NL project is a first step towards,
eventually, having all languages on the same level, with English as a
modular part of the whole, like every other language.

-- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt

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