On 2008-08-21, at 16:25 , sophie wrote:

Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
First, thanks, Davide and Andreas for the meeting and for arranging it...

It's unfortunate that the date is in fact 3 October--it coincides, as
Charles pointed out, with other events, and not just the BrOffice event, but also Open Source Days, in Copenhagen. As I'm already attending the Danish event, I cannot (alas) attend this one, too. And I'm, as they say in California, totally bummed. (That said, I'll try to see if I can bend
time and space to accommodate my desires.)

I don't want to seems hard, but for me a community meeting, organized by
the community for the community and in the context of serving a better
organization/communication/process in the NLC is something that has some

Alas, both are community events, Sophie, and both were initially proposed by community members. The Copenhagen event is hardly a Sun thing and is receiving no special attention by Sun. Actually, the primary reason for my strong interest in it has to do with the essentially fragmented nature of the Nordic communities, and my hope that by coordinating activity we can get more done there. (A similar situation exists in India, of course, and elsewhere.)

But perhaps we can have a long distance discussion? Certainly, some of
the issues we'll be discussing in Copenhagen are relevant. One of the
goals--the primary goal, really--I have for that event, is to synthesize and focus Nordic OOo and ODF activity. I don't think the Nordic region
is unique.

It may be not unique, but I think that the localization process, the QA
process, the marketing process, the documentation as Clayton ask about
it is of concern and this is not all.

Oh, I quite agree.

We also have to discuss about the CC and the overall being of the
community. The NLC is a strong part of the community and needs to share
more than local focus point.
This meeting is important because all of us would like to be in Beijing, not to be there but to meet each others, but several of us won't be able to attend. We are working hard for this community and we only have once a year to share our concerns, ambitions, visions for the community. This is for me the first objective to be respected, and no other event would
have the prime time.

Hope you understand my meanings.

I do: given a choice, I should make this meeting in Italy. I'll certainly try.

Kind regards


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