Dear Sveinn,

Le Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:02:28 +0000,
Sveinn í Felli <> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'd like to apply for a Native Language Confederation (NLC) 
> project for the Icelandic language/translation team.
> As I understand, this is a prerquisite for being displayed 
> in the language list at [1].


> We are a small group of people working on the adoption of 
> OOo in Iceland, mostly in the education-sector, but also 
> connected to some private companies as well as the Icelandic 
> F/OSS community.

So this means you will have to focus not just on localization, but also
on community building and adoption, documentation writing.
Native-Language Projects are made just for these kinds of things. :-)

> Our l10n-project is up and running on pootle2 [2], all 
> relevant information can be found on the l10n-wiki [3] but 
> still hasn't made its way to the official page [4].

You have read the NLC page, I guess you should read this one for more

So the project's name should be: "IS"
The project lead's username should be: sveinki
Your SCA is signed and sent.
The level of the project is 2.

> The translation status is already up to 81% of UI, our POs 
> have been rolled into lang-packs for OOo 3.2-RC3 and will 
> presumably also make it into RC4 (page is unavailable at the 
> moment).
> We also roll our own .debs and .exe packages for testing [5] 
> and do have a local wiki [6]. Our mailinglist is 
> .

Now you can also migrate it to something like and
open other ones such as, and ...

> So hereby I'm applying for inclusion as an NLC-project, 
> before heading on into QA-testing and such.

Provided you agree with my proposals above, I shall file an issue and
then the grand paperwork will start. In the end you will have to upload
a ssh2 key and you'll be set.

Welcome to the NLC!

Charles-H. Schulz. 

> Best regards
> Sveinn í Felli
> [1]:<>
> [2]:<>
> [3]:<>
> [4]:<>
> [5]:<>
> [6]:<>
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