Sophie wrote:
This is very important that we are allowed to use an iso code
personalized logo.


I would say that use is essential for both marketing the localizations and for maintaining the native language communities.

> Bernhard wrote:
Rosana described possible trademark problems with the creation of
hundreds of different logos, but in my eyes this is just one simple
rule that defines
- who is allowed to                  (only official OOo projects)
- add a well defined code            (released at the projects.OOo
- to a exactly defined position      (in front of the logo,
                                        fixed position of the dot)
- in a single font, size and color   (part of the spec file)


Would the well-defined code need to allow any thing other than the formal title of the project?

On a technical note, any text rendered in bitmapped graphics will not show up in either text-based browsers or web search engines. So perhaps the logo usage rules should address ALT text, at least for web pages.

If you think it would be worthwhile to evaluate the legal aspects of
this idea, I would go and ask in the trademark group for legal advise
how this can be achieved.

*So please tell me* :

Do you think such a logo is not only a "nice-to-have", but an
important identification and marketing topic for your native-lang
community ?

Yes. As mentioned above, I see them as essential. The PNG file linked above is perfect in that regard.

As to the logo itself, can the contrast be increased through hairline borders or minimal drop shadows or other means? For the online edition of the logo, it should be very clear even in real-life situations such as fingerprint covered, low-end LCDs found in classrooms, kiosks and some people's notebooks or netbooks.

Or should we only have an area for native-lang content with the
reduced whitespace at the side of the logo like Rosana proposed (with
or without a textual area used here for the OOoCon description):

Special Seasonal or event logos would be a very nice option to have. Having a template for those might create a nice consistent look and feel for the time period they are used. Otherwise, the logo guidelines should be careful to allow official projects to make and use their own.


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