Le 22.07.2010 00:23, Bernhard Dippold a écrit :
> Hi all,
> in the Branding Initiative we're going to define how our new logo should
> be used - and among others there are different opinions on the necessity
> to provide a logo that contains the native-lang ISO code in front of the
> logo. I our last IRC meeting we wanted to ask the native-lang projects
> about their thought - and here I am ;-)
> Sophie wrote:
>> This is very important that we are allowed to use an iso code
>> personalized logo. 
> *So please tell me* :
> Do you think such a logo is not only a "nice-to-have", but an
> important identification and marketing topic for your native-lang
> community
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/File:NLC_logo_proposal.png ?
It is an essential identification and marketing topic for our NLC.

> Would it be enough to use the project's name below the unchanged logo
> as reference for the N-L projects (here two different drafts for the
> marketing and the francophone project)
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/File:Subline_proposal.png
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/File:Example-logo-nlc-with-line.png
For NLC projects : only as another possibility. Such a logo is usable in
a slideshow or a flyer but not on a streamer (? "banderole" in French :
for example a rectangle 150 x 25 cm)

Best regards.

Jean-Baptiste Faure
French N-L project Lead

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