I like Matthias idea. At least with companies with very restrictive
whitelisting policies, you could force the use of a whitelisted mirror.
Sounds good.

Is there a need to write a plugin for that, or change something on the
infra or is it an improvement request for NB?



On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 8:22 AM Andreas Sewe <s...@cqse.eu> wrote:

> Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> > I'm not sure what the solution is.
> FYI, the Eclipse Installer (aka Eclipse Oomph) has a "Use mirrors" check
> box, which is checked by default and thus likely being using in the vast
> majority of installs. The traditional Eclipse "Install New Software
> Dialog" doesn't expose such an option, though.
> Best wishes,
> Andreas
> --
> Dr. Andreas Sewe | s...@cqse.eu | +49 152 56342856
> CQSE GmbH | Centa-Hafenbraedl-Strasse 59 | 81249 Muenchen | www.cqse.eu
> Amtsgericht Muenchen | HRB 177678 | GF: F. Deissenboeck, M. Feilkas

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