Perhaps git hooks could be helpful to correct the author/committer names during rebase on Github if it turns out being wrong? Maybe even also appending the "paper trail" to commit messages, not unlike with OpenJDK mentioned above?

For commits with already 'bad' information, like generic no-reply addresses, it could be checked automatically before Travis.

11.05.2020 20:52, Jan Lahoda wrote:
So, I looked at some commits, and the outcomes seem to really leave a lot
to be desired. Names in Author section appear to be preserved, but many
commits have noreply address there, and quite a few have a generic GitHub
noreply address in the Commit section. So I guess that if we can do better,
it would be good if we did. So disabling Squash and Merge sounds like
something we should try (if it turns out to be too complex/difficult, we
can always re-enable it). Not sure about rebase - I guess it would be ideal
if we had a single (correct) squashed commit, which was rebased?


On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 12:05 PM Neil C Smith <> wrote:

On Sun, 10 May 2020 at 21:05, John Neffenger <> wrote:
The commit history is the only record that remains:
I wonder if that applies to our pre-ASF commit history?! :-)

1. independent from any centralized hosting service, be it GitHub,
GitLab, Bitbucket, SourceHut, or wherever else the project may move in
the future, and
I was talking about ASF's own "paper" trail, not any third-party service.

There's also the matter that some people, including myself, are very
reluctant to contribute to projects that don't take care to give authors
credit in the commit history.
No-one was suggesting otherwise!

Just for a comparison, the OpenJDK ...
Note also that the OpenJDK does not mark its pull requests as Merged
(with the big purple badge) on GitHub. Instead, the tooling ...
Different project, infrastructure and requirements (eg. they require
contributor agreement).

It was an open question if there are implications with regard to our
paper trail / GitBox with merging in such a way that the commit is not
linked to closing of the PR.

Best wishes,


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