My name is Martin Balin (mbalin) and I worked  on NetBeans for a while since 1999 till 2017. Now I'm working with Jaroslav Tulach, Dusan Balek , Jan Lahoda and others on "Apache NetBeans Language Server" a proposed name by Geertjan.

I'm writing to you re releasing the extension on VSCode Marketplace.

I propose to create VSCode Marketplace Publisher, called "Apache NetBeans" owned by NetBeans community.

The most important aspect of publishing, except for extension itself, are the Owners of the Publisher, the people who can publish the extension and add other people. I propose to put there people from NetBeans community like Geertjan and 1-2 others with Owner privileges, but this is completely up to community to decide. I'd like to nominate Dušan Bálek (dbalek) as he has a broad experience with VSCode extension development and publishing as well.

Once the Apache NetBeans Language Server extension complementary binary is published by normal Apache channels, the Owners will upload it to VSCode Marketplace.

Shall I proceed to create Apache NetBeans Publisher on Marketplace?

Martin Balin

...with NetBeans since 1999

On 15. 10. 20 20:20, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
If it’s released by Apache, so why not Apache NetBeans Language Server.


On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 at 19:52, Jaroslav Tulach <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com>

The VSCode extension source is in and ready for testing and bugreports.
Instructions to build your own version are here:


Sváťa, Dušan, Martin, and others are now ready to bugfix a bit to stabilize
the behavior. Of course, thanks everyone helping us with reviews and
bugfixes, as the fixes may be spread around almost all NetBeans codebase.

Assuming everything gets sufficiently bugfixed in the next few weeks and a
good enough version of VSCode extension is released by Laszlo in the source
form, it is then reasonable to ask: What's going to happen next?

There has already been a VSCode extension release as Jan wrote:
FWIW, Apache NetBeans has already released the VS Code extension in the


Let's repeat it. Let's release a convenience binary with the extension
again. I guess one of us, mentioned above, is going to take over the build
and vote process. Is that OK?

Then, the next step is to upload the extension to [Microsoft Marketplace](
 ), so it is available to users
worldwide and other extensions can depend on it. How do we handle this kind
of upload?

I am not aware of any Apache project uploading something to the
Marketplace. I am not sure if Apache has credentials to do it. If so,
great, let's use them.

If not, let me suggest (a heretic) approach. My organization has an
account. We have already uploaded some extensions in there (like

Just the uploader would be "oracle-labs" not "jlahoda" (current name in the
extension). This touches Apache copyright, so I am not sure if that is OK,
but from my perspective it would be just a redistribution of the same
source (we can probably modify our scripts to take the name from a property
- e.g. `-Dauthor=oracle-labs` would build the extension ready for upload
from the released sources).

Last, but not least. What shall be the name of the extension? I've heard
following suggestion:

*After a while I incline towards*
*> - NetBeans Java Language Server*
*> - NetBeans Language Server*
*> 2nd is more language neutral for the future extensions of this server.*

Clearly, even if the extension gets uploaded by a non-Apache party, I'd
like to keep the NetBeans trademark in there. Good promotion of the work
Apache community provides! I hope we find a way to do so. Assuming there is
a way, what name the Apache community wants to give to this `.vsix`
convenience binary?

Thank you for your support and opinions.

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