Dne středa 21. října 2020 20:37:16 CEST, Laszlo Kishalmi napsal(a):
> That would be fine, I just have one concern: Apache Licensing Policy.

David Nalley has joined the discussion and indicated Apache maintains accounts 
for iOS and Android publishing, btw.

> And that could be a hard one to crack. So if we ever decide to ship
> something non Apache Compliant stuff, like nb-javac or something else
> with the VSCode Extension, it won't be really possible under the Apache
> umbrella. 

Right, it is clear that Apache isn't going to distribute nb-javac. Let me 
describe the solution from a technical perspective. The PR


introduces concept of extensibility: "the launcher ... scans all activated 
extensions and collects clusters from (their) `nbcode` subdirectory. As such 
it is possible for various VSCode extensions to contribute modules into the 
same backend and enhance its functionality."

Thus the solution to nb-javac problem is: An independent entity shall release  
and upload to the Marketplace an extension with `nbcode` subdirectory 
providing the nb-javac modules. When users install "Apache NetBeans Language 
Server" extension as well as the extension providing nb-javac, the extensions 
find each other and start to co-operate.

> So I'd propose not to tie the Publisher with Apache. It could
> be an independent publisher group who can be eventually be member of the
> Apache NetBeans community and also use the "built on Apache NetBeans"
> rather than "built by Apache NetBeans". Though the later one sounds
> better, but has many restrictions.

This is also perfectly valid option, although I slightly prefer release of the 
"Apache NetBeans Language Server" extension by ASF, if we can make it in time 
(see David Nalley email).

Best regards.

> On 10/21/20 11:12 AM, Martin Balin wrote:
> > Hello,
> > My name is Martin Balin (mbalin) and I worked  on NetBeans for a while
> > since 1999 till 2017. Now I'm working with Jaroslav Tulach, Dusan
> > Balek , Jan Lahoda and others on "Apache NetBeans Language Server" a
> > proposed name by Geertjan.
> > 
> > I'm writing to you re releasing the extension on VSCode Marketplace.
> > 
> > I propose to create VSCode Marketplace Publisher, called "Apache
> > NetBeans" owned by NetBeans community.
> > 
> > The most important aspect of publishing, except for extension itself,
> > are the Owners of the Publisher, the people who can publish the
> > extension and add other people. I propose to put there people from
> > NetBeans community like Geertjan and 1-2 others with Owner privileges,
> > but this is completely up to community to decide. I'd like to nominate
> > Dušan Bálek (dbalek) as he has a broad experience with VSCode
> > extension development and publishing as well.
> > 
> > Once the Apache NetBeans Language Server extension complementary
> > binary is published by normal Apache channels, the Owners will upload
> > it to VSCode Marketplace.
> > 
> > Shall I proceed to create Apache NetBeans Publisher on Marketplace?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Martin Balin
> > 
> > ...with NetBeans since 1999
> > 
> > On 15. 10. 20 20:20, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> >> If it’s released by Apache, so why not Apache NetBeans Language Server.
> >> 
> >> Gj
> >> 
> >> On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 at 19:52, Jaroslav Tulach
> >> <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com>
> >> 
> >> wrote:
> >>> Hi.
> >>> The VSCode extension source is in and ready for testing and bugreports.
> >>> Instructions to build your own version are here:
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/apache/netbeans/blob/mast
> >>> er/java/java.lsp.server/vscode/README.md__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!MVnlg4_TNkUD5f
> >>> Q4YkjIfiUQWFP4fSqo5hC5frqf_tNWIIFLbxqrTAYPjI_QuFL9yg$
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Sváťa, Dušan, Martin, and others are now ready to bugfix a bit to
> >>> stabilize
> >>> the behavior. Of course, thanks everyone helping us with reviews and
> >>> bugfixes, as the fixes may be spread around almost all NetBeans
> >>> codebase.
> >>> 
> >>> Assuming everything gets sufficiently bugfixed in the next few weeks
> >>> and a
> >>> good enough version of VSCode extension is released by Laszlo in the
> >>> source
> >>> form, it is then reasonable to ask: What's going to happen next?
> >>> 
> >>> There has already been a VSCode extension release as Jan wrote:
> >>>> FWIW, Apache NetBeans has already released the VS Code extension in
> >>>> the
> >>> 
> >>> past:
> >>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/net
> >>> beans-dev/202004.mbox/*3CCALd*3D3dHVyENu*2Bj5o9stvP9_o*2B6FquTdzG7Wx-s-G
> >>> 5-_RdVeaDw*40mail.gmail.com*3E__;JSUlJSUl!!GqivPVa7Brio!MVnlg4_TNkUD5fQ4
> >>> YkjIfiUQWFP4fSqo5hC5frqf_tNWIIFLbxqrTAYPjI9f4urS-g$
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/netbea
> >>> ns/netbeans-vscode-ext/0.0.1/apache-netbeans-java-0.0.1.vsix__;!!GqivPVa
> >>> 7Brio!MVnlg4_TNkUD5fQ4YkjIfiUQWFP4fSqo5hC5frqf_tNWIIFLbxqrTAYPjI_uwUlArQ
> >>> $
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Let's repeat it. Let's release a convenience binary with the extension
> >>> again. I guess one of us, mentioned above, is going to take over the
> >>> build
> >>> and vote process. Is that OK?
> >>> 
> >>> Then, the next step is to upload the extension to [Microsoft
> >>> Marketplace](
> >>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/vscode_
> >>> _;!!GqivPVa7Brio!MVnlg4_TNkUD5fQ4YkjIfiUQWFP4fSqo5hC5frqf_tNWIIFLbxqrTAY
> >>> PjI-UzIPmnw$ ), so it is available to users
> >>> worldwide and other extensions can depend on it. How do we handle
> >>> this kind
> >>> of upload?
> >>> 
> >>> I am not aware of any Apache project uploading something to the
> >>> Marketplace. I am not sure if Apache has credentials to do it. If so,
> >>> great, let's use them.
> >>> 
> >>> If not, let me suggest (a heretic) approach. My organization has an
> >>> account. We have already uploaded some extensions in there (like
> >>> 
> >>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?i
> >>> temName=oracle-labs-graalvm.graalvm__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!MVnlg4_TNkUD5fQ4Ykj
> >>> IfiUQWFP4fSqo5hC5frqf_tNWIIFLbxqrTAYPjI-USXwuDA$
> >>> 
> >>> ).
> >>> Just the uploader would be "oracle-labs" not "jlahoda" (current name
> >>> in the
> >>> extension). This touches Apache copyright, so I am not sure if that
> >>> is OK,
> >>> but from my perspective it would be just a redistribution of the same
> >>> source (we can probably modify our scripts to take the name from a
> >>> property
> >>> - e.g. `-Dauthor=oracle-labs` would build the extension ready for
> >>> upload
> >>> from the released sources).
> >>> 
> >>> Last, but not least. What shall be the name of the extension? I've
> >>> heard
> >>> 
> >>> following suggestion:
> >>>> *After a while I incline towards*
> >>> 
> >>> *:*
> >>> *> - NetBeans Java Language Server*
> >>> *> - NetBeans Language Server*
> >>> *> 2nd is more language neutral for the future extensions of this
> >>> server.*
> >>> 
> >>> Clearly, even if the extension gets uploaded by a non-Apache party, I'd
> >>> like to keep the NetBeans trademark in there. Good promotion of the
> >>> work
> >>> Apache community provides! I hope we find a way to do so. Assuming
> >>> there is
> >>> a way, what name the Apache community wants to give to this `.vsix`
> >>> convenience binary?
> >>> 
> >>> Thank you for your support and opinions.
> >>> -jt
> > 
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