I touched on this talking about the EJB new project support and how it's
currently broken.

Fundamental to this is that the IDE relies on the Maven archetype
templating system to generate project artifacts. It also wraps that process
up in some wizard code, and it may well do some other things, I haven't
gone into it that deeply.

However, the archetype ownership is, to me, a core issue.

It seems untoward for the IDE to have "core" functionality that depends on
external artifacts.

Simply put, if someone wanted to change the archetype for a project, in
this case, an Apache/NB committer can not do that. The actual owner of the
archetype has to do that.

It's kind that they share that with the NB community, but IMHO, NB should
"own" that archetype, publish, and maintain it, rather than relying on an
external source.

But I do not know what or if there is a process for accepting these kinds
of artifacts and getting them published to the maven repositories. Many
apache projects certainly publish to Maven Central, I don't know if NB does
or not (is the Lookup library published, for example?).

I'm hardly an expert on archetype authoring or publishing.

Just curious what others feel about this and what perhaps a path forward
would be.


Will Hartung

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