NetBeans is full of references and usages of third party technologies.

Indeed, if there's a particular technology that isn't supported correctly
in NetBeans or is outdated, just create an issue and let's work on it.

Can we do that, point to a specific problem that needs to be fixed?


On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 12:28 AM Will Hartung <> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:22 PM Ernie Rael <> wrote:
> > The point is that depending on a 3rd party project for functionality
> > that NetBeans provides is a problem. But there is push back to provide
> > even simple maven archetypes. And, at least possibly until now, little
> > interest in supplying archetypes from NetBeans project.
> >
> Then, quite frankly, the baby should be tossed out with the bathwater.
> If there's going to be this clash between the NB project and 3rd parties,
> then NB should abandon anything related to third parties that they're
> unwilling to maintain.
> Using your Java FX example, if the Java FX new project functionality is
> that tied to a 3rd party artifact(s) that NB is unwilling/unable to
> maintain, then the "New FX Project" functionality should be ripped out, and
> let the FX project perhaps be aware of it. Then the FX project, should they
> so desire, can create a NB plugin that can be installed by users that then
> enable "New FX Project" functions, plus whatever else they want to add.
> It's a disservice to everyone to go half way. Again, here's something the
> IDE is providing that the NB team and contributors can not fix.
> To quote Dr. Venkman: "That's bad."
> Now it would be a nice gift to wrap up the current FX tech in to a nice
> project bundle that could be handed off to a/the 3rd party, to lower the
> barrier to entry to get this going. But, it's just not right to leave stuff
> dangling, ramshackled and broken with no real path to fix them. I think
> having these broken things makes the project look bad. NB used to be very
> polished. It was known for it's "one stop shopping". Download it, and
> shazam, you got all of this stuff and functionality. No crawling the
> internet, following blogs, downloading jars from who knows where. But
> instead a nice, integrated "look at all the stuff that can be done".
> That agenda and mission has clearly changed, however formal or informally
> it's been stated.
> I don't have any experience really with the other IDEs. I don't know if
> OpenFX is doing addons for Eclipse or IDEA or, well, anything. I don't know
> if it's necessary.
> But having these options in the IDE that flat out don't work, doesn't do
> anyone any good. They give the wrong impression that the IDE supports
> something. They don't work when used, and issues to fix them fall on deaf
> ears, which also looks bad. The ecosystem is bitrotting around us.
> There should also be a conversation about what functionality the team is
> willing to maintain, and which it feels should be up to 3rd parties and
> should be yanked out, and perhaps how that transition could be
> accomplished.
> Regards,
> Will Hartung

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