Neil C Smith schrieb am 25.08.2021 um 15:28:
> As mentioned earlier this week, I've triggered a second beta build for
> Apache NetBeans 12.5 today which is now available for testing.
> Changes between beta1 and beta2 can be seen at
> Hopefully this can be our final beta and the voting candidate for 12.5
> can be built off the same git hash.  In particular, please test issues
> fixed between beta1 and beta2, as well as source builds.  Please also
> help with assessing / closing any relevant JIRA tickets. I suggest we
> could aim to move to a release vote a week today assuming no critical
> issues raised - Eric? Geertjan?
> The NetBeans 12.5-beta2 artifacts are here :
> Link to the binary zip :
> SHA512: 
> 349283292fc716ffc7e37461c59db11a4923f69fd9183ff7c92a161c9045d59c70e250ea44c042f9c65df1c66f2d1473f80ffe06b5cd7f292ca561621dacdb8d

Windows complains that netbeans64.exe is from an "untrusted source" and only 
runs it after a confirmation.

I never got this with any NetBeans .exe so it seems this beta was built 


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