Am Samstag, dem 09.10.2021 um 10:38 -0500 schrieb Eric Bresie:
> Frgaal (1) does seem an interesting beast.  How would that work?  Netbeans
> would be compiled using frgaal to support newer features to be still usable
> on Java 8?  Would that in someway have to be targeted (i.e. compiled to a
> specific release target) which would adapter for use on java 8?  Does that
> mean full later java features would have some kind of bridge layer?  Would
> that impact performance in any way?

Please don't. We already struggle with dependencies and quite frankly:
I'd prefer programming java 6, if I can use standard tools, instead of
relying on some random entity, that could go away anytime.

ecj also has backporting functions, but even then, there is a reason,
that the core JDK javac does not do it.

IMHO we already have enough work with two javac: OpenJDK javac and
nbjavac, we don't need the pain of two more tool chains (ecj + frgaal).

IMHO2: we only gain syntactic sugar.



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