the no-dialog option and also the choice to make FlatLaf the default are based on the assumption that there are "good defaults" -> most should be hopefully happy with FlatLAF as default. Those (few) who would like to customize, can, and are guided with one click to the right options dialog - even when this means to have to restart once. NB was always an IDE where you didn't have to configure much to be productive (I agree with Jaroslav there).

Having a good default is also nice from an issue tracker perspective. There are problems with the GTK LAF on some linux versions (I don't know what is used on KDE), there seem to be also problems with the windows LAF, esp on win 11. FlatLAF avoids all of that and decouples it from the JDK version too as side effect (NB still has to support 8 unfortunately).

It is better to have a user see a working IDE first before making the choice to switch to a different LAF, which might be broken.

my personal opinion: i would not mind an initial configuration dialog. But i do also see the benefits of not having one - i am OK with both scenarios, leaning more to the no-dialog option. I will probably never see it anyway since I import my configuration ;)

there is always NB 14


On 30.11.21 10:17, Christian Lenz wrote:
➢ 3) if user changes settings it will require restart yes but the UI for
➢ that is already there

It is not about that the UI for this is already there or not, it is about I 
need to restart NetBeans which I don’t want. If we do this as soon as possible, 
it feels better and I don’t need to restart netBeans I guess, so that it can 
hook into the Startup process.

- No Startup Dialog
We already have one „Import Settings“ so why not reuse it? This dialog just 
comes up, if you have a previous Version installed. If not, it will not appear. 
Now that needs to be changed.

As I said, we have multiple feelings about this and we already had a vote for 
„made flat laf default“. I can live with that somehow and I gave my opinion. I 
would prefer another vote for where we see default Settings or customize it at 
the beginning. Or we can change this later, I’m fine with that.

Maybe it will be possible for me to create a 3rd Party plugin where I hook into 
the process of NetBeans startup before the UI is there and I can make this 
happen within a plugin to customize the IDE from the very first start.

Von: Michael Bien
Gesendet: Montag, 29. November 2021 16:54
An:; Christian Lenz
Betreff: Re: AW: Re: [DISCUSS] Default to FlatLaf in NetBeans 13?

On 29.11.21 16:28, Christian Lenz wrote:
I don’t get it atm. What is the preferred solution now? Open the options when 
NetBeans is still open or what? That means that I need to restart NetBeans 
again. Probably I got it wrong.
1) set LightLAF as default which should hopefully work for many as
discussed here

2) notify user somehow that the default can be changed. e.g via
convenient link in welcome page or via notification bubble or both (this
would link to the options)

3) if user changes settings it will require restart yes but the UI for
that is already there


   - no startup dialog

   - no duplicated UI

   - potential to be further optimized in future by letting it probe to
make a more educated decision whether to automatically set the dark
theme instead of light

Von: Neil C Smith
Gesendet: Montag, 29. November 2021 15:36
Betreff: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Default to FlatLaf in NetBeans 13?

On Sat, 27 Nov 2021 at 15:20, Eirik Bakke <> wrote:
There are hundreds of options that can be customized, and there is real 
value-add in _not_ requiring the user (especially new users) to know about or 
touch them.

We also don't want a situation where we end up having two different user 
interfaces for setting the same options. A user that changed the LAF from a 
startup dialog or installer would then have to find and use a _different_ user 
interface (the Options dialog) to change it again later.
This is a very good point!

This thread came partly from issues with people finding (the right)
options, and a default that doesn't match what most of us are doing.
But for common options that people might want to customize, then a
better welcome page would beat a dialog.  Because rather than setting
the option, we could just open the options dialog in the right place
to show them where to set it.

eg. big button on welcome page with text "Switch to dark or system
look and feel" opens the look and feel tab in the options.

We could have defaults that match what most of us use, and 6-8 quick
links for settings that a lot of us change?  And keep the current
direct links to install plugins or activate features, which could look
a little more like you're meant to press them!

Best wishes,


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