NetBeans IDE was always keen on to work "out of the box" - e.g. as little
dialogs on 1st start as possible. If you want prior launch customization,
put it into installer.

čt 25. 11. 2021 v 20:37 odesílatel Eric Bresie <> napsal:

> If the setup dialog is seen as useless then why not make it useful?
> I still think some additional customization wouldn’t be the end of the
> world. When setting up as I recall (see below link for specifics) there is
> the following dialogs:
> (1) customize dialog
> (1a) select specific packs/runtimes

That's is what the installer already does, right?

> (2) licenses

License is Apache. No need for any dialogs.

> (3) Netbean home and JDK home

Both have reasonable defaults.

(4) Summary/check for update

Check for update used to be done as the last step in installer. Keep it

> For that matter could just as easily open up the Options to allow some
> customization and/or Plugins dialog during install?

Once the IDE is installed. You can ask it to do something (show options).
That's how the installer checks for updates - it asks the IDE to update

> For that matter IntelliJ allows look and feel customization at setup. It’s
> not completely unjustified.

While many treat that IDE as a "UI specification", I don't. In case of out
of box experience I'd rather eliminate as many options/dialogs/questions on
1st start as possible.

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