By the way, this tarball only has the new images.  My onedrive is low on space, 
so I left out all of the existing image folders. Consequently, any new tutorial 
or any tutorial with a changed image probably is broken.  I'll need to sort 
that out.

From: Peter Blemel <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 7:58 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: "Original" NB tutorials?

Here's where I'm at so far. It's not perfect. In fact, looking at it, I was 
focused on img src HTML statements and completely overlooked links in body text 
(eg. "You can download an example file here ..."  ).  So, I'll need to patch 
that up.

I'm out of time for tonight.  I have some other things to do, but will get back 
to this soon.

This version<!ArASQL2pSWgomUx_1ksXsCcFOETh?e=p3dthW> has 
every image in one monolithic folder, which avoids cross-directory links.  I'm 
still thinking about how to split images into version folders in an automated 
way....  It also has broken links in comments. Have a look if you have time.



From: Peter Blemel <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 7:19 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: "Original" NB tutorials?

A good example of a tutorial that cross-linked images was version 8.0's IDE 
tutorial, which used 7.2's images by path.

The result can be seen in your current tutorial here:

This tutorial has broken links because it points to

There is no file by this name in the 80/images folder, or even in the 72/images 
folder.  Something has erroneously inserted the ide_72_ path. Even making the 
path 72/images/new-project-1.png might or might not be correct. That depends on 
how many other '72' tutorials also used the name new-project-1.png and which 
one you kept.

So, the problem is coming up with a general-purpose solution that maintains the 
directory structure. My current "best effort" puts all images into a single 
folder.  It was my first attempt at being sure that every single image anywhere 
in the tutorial hierarchy points to the correct image, because putting things 
into subfolders like 72/images means I have to patch up any tutorial that 
cross-linked a prior version.

Messy.  And, so far I can't say if I got them all - but the solution seems to 
generalize well.


From: Peter Blemel <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 6:32 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: "Original" NB tutorials?


I'm looking at what you've done in the context of what I've learned 🙂.  I've 
spent some time on this this afternoon.  Here's what I understand now:

1. The old tutorials images used a hierarchical structure that matched the 
tutorials. They were organized by tutorial name and then version. Each folder 
had both images and sub-folders for each release containing images.  To 
illustrate the problem, let's pick result-1 and result-2 to illustrate what's 
happening.  There are many "result-1.png"s in lots of 72 subdirectories. This 
was okay because they were all unique under their path.

-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  12K Dec 12  2019 ./cc/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  65K Dec 12  2019 ./crud/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter 7.1K Dec 12  2019 ./hint/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter 126K Dec 12  2019 ./htmleditor/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  17K Dec 12  2019 ./javacc/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  68K Dec 12  2019 ./javafx/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter 5.4K Dec 12  2019 ./mark-occs/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  32K Dec 12  2019 ./maven-crud/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  37K Dec 12  2019 ./maven-quickstart/72/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter 7.4K Dec 12  2019 ./projecttypes/72pics/result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  14K Dec 12  2019 ./qsearch/72/result-1.png

o The new site reverses this, decomposing by version first and then the 
tutorials.  Now, instead of '{tutorial}/72/result-1.png', you have 
'72/images/result-1.png'.  Exactly one. Which one of these is in that folder?

-rw-r----- 1 peter peter 68K Jan 25 18:17 result-1.png

Judging by the size, I'd say you kept the one from "javafx".  Every other 
tutorial now gets "javafx"'s result-1.png because they are all in the '72' 
folder and all use the same "graphics" folder.  The same thing happens for 
every other release number.

2 Not all tutorials used only illustrations from their own directories.  In 
some cases, they re-used graphics from a previous version, so there was some 
cross-linking between folders.

I have taken two approaches:

1. The first simply re-used last night's work, mapping every path/to/image.png 
onto a corresponding path-to-image.png in a single directory.  Using this 
approach, we get :
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  12152 Dec 12  2019 ./cc-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  65580 Dec 12  2019 ./crud-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter   7238 Dec 12  2019 ./hint-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter 128879 Dec 12  2019 ./htmleditor-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  16721 Dec 12  2019 ./javacc-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  68977 Dec 12  2019 ./javafx-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter   5444 Dec 12  2019 ./mark-occs-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  32202 Dec 12  2019 ./maven-crud-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  37059 Dec 12  2019 ./maven-quickstart-72-result-1.png
-rw-r----- 1 peter peter  14205 Dec 12  2019 ./qsearch-72-result-1.png

I'm not sure if I pasted all of them, but you get the point.

I then wrote a script that fixes every .asciidoc version of the tutorial 
in-place to match this new naming scheme.

2.  The problem with #1 was that my script put everything into one monolithic 
"legacy" folder.  So, right now I am putting the finishing touches on putting 
all of the '72' images into the 72/graphics folder and massaging the .asciidoc 
files to make that.  This will be close to what you have now.

As near as I can tell, your changes do not address the problem above.  Let me 
know if I misunderstand.


From: antonio <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 4:12 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: "Original" NB tutorials?

Hi Peter,

I think we have it! What about the tutorials at

For instance

Do these look better now?


El 24/1/22 a las 15:50, Peter Blemel escribió:
> Antonio,
> I haven't been through all of the tutorials, but many of the ones that I've 
> been looking at have problems.  For example,
> has "stock 
> trader" graphics.
> has "POV Ray" graphics
> Stock trader
> Stock trader
> and so on.
> It looks like the tutorials each used to live in its own directory, many 
> using the same file name for their individual graphics - which was fine 
> because the directory structure at the time kept the file names from 
> colliding with each other. When they were subsequently all put into one 
> folder, files with the same name became a problem. Each tutorial copied into 
> the directory overwrote files already there. Now they all link to the same 
> graphic because the individual graphics were not renamed.
> Brad suggested re-creating the images to bring them up-to-date. That will 
> take some time. Giving all of the old files unique file names and fixing each 
> HTML file is also a lot of work.  Another, easier solution is to rebuild the 
> tutorials folder using the original directory structure. That will not bring 
> the graphics up to date, but will solve the problem in an expedient way.
> Best,
> Peter
> ________________________________
> From: antonio <>
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2022 12:01 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: "Original" NB tutorials?
> Hi Peter,
> Originals are kept here for reference
> (src/content)
> Cheers,
> Antonio
> P.S.: I'm curious, which illustrations are incorrect?
> El 24/1/22 a las 3:18, Peter Blemel escribió:
>> Hi,
>> After looking through the tutorials, the thing that jumps out at me the most 
>> is that many of them have incorrect illustrations. I used many of these 
>> tutorials "back in the day", and recall that the illustrations were not such 
>> a jumble.  If someone can point me to the original directories from before 
>> they were moved, I will try to get the right images back into their 
>> respective tutorials in the GitHub repo before moving on to updating 
>> individual tutorials.
>> Thanks,
>> Peter
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