Sorry, I probably should have been more precise.

All I meant was a check that the files excluded from Rat don't have the
original license header (as due to the excludes, Rat would no longer report
them). I tried to check, and it seems that none of the excluded files has
the headers, so this should be OK.


On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Antonio <> wrote:

> On 03/10/17 12:59, Antonio wrote:
>> I'll investigate the grep operation on CDDL and will post here with my
>> findings.
> It seems ant-rat is not able to do this.
> Anyway one can quickly find CDDL files with
>         grep -R CDDL --exclude-dir build
> Or adding
>     <target name="grep-cddl" depends="bootstrap">
>         <exec osfamily="unix" executable="grep" failonerror="yes">
>             <arg line="-R CDDL --exclude-dir build" />
>         </exec>
>     </target>
> to nbbuild/build.xml and then running ant grep-cddl
> This is Linux specific (and should run in OS/X as well).
> Want another PR with this?
> Cheers,
> Antonio

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