​All I'm saying is that with the last N years of unprecedented attention
the web technologies have leaped light years ahead of everything else in
terms of basic UI.

90% of the time all I want is:
- A text label that's attached to a text field (maybe with a set of allowed
characters and special formatting)
- They both share the same tooltip
- Textfield is validated upon either lost focus or programmatic update and
a balloon-type notification is shown at the textfield in case of validation
errors. Bonus for using RxSwing (https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwing) or
anything else to make validation run when user stops typing for more than 1

For me this scenario is quite recurring and I still don't know how to
achieve that easily with swing, to the point that I just give up and do
validation once, manually, when Ok button is clicked, and show a modal
dialog about the errors. But as forms get longer and multi-page this works
less and less well. Write functions to do those things? Like write my own
thing that would paint stuff over glass pane to notify about errors? I'm a
postdoc, doing mass spectrometry, I do like writing programs and code, but
I can't devote all my time to infrastructure like that and I'm devoting an
enormous amount of time to maintaining those swing UIs for people who
aren't that good with the command line.

All I need is a good framework on top of swing that would help me out with
those things. In JS there's probably 100s. In swing I'm using Balloontip (
https://github.com/timmolderez/balloontip) to manually display/remove tips,
babysitting them to show up, go away etc. You could say - ok, write your
own lib with your current experience applying the same pattern over and
over again, and I would had I been doing a CS major or maybe had no other
software to maintain/develop. These simple concerns have already been
solved by other people. unfortunately for other systems, not java swing
(please don't hurt me, it's probably been solved for swing, but I don't
know about it or I don't know how to use it or some other excuse).

Maybe you could help me out, point to some reading? I'm obviously missing

I'm sorry if my previous answer somehow offended you, Chuck. It looks like
sarcasm, but I really can't tell.​

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