On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 at 21:18 Toni Epple <toni.ep...@eppleton.de> wrote:

> Yes, with java 9 and the jlink tool you can get jvms as small as 13mb.

Yes, that doesn't surprise me, given it's similar to compact profiles of
Java 8.  But that JavaFX can work with that and is that small surprised me
slightly given how much OpenJFX takes up, but as you say looking closer
it's all webkit!

Still, if we went the route of libchromiumcontent, I assume that doesn't
manage window creation?  At least, Electron seems to have its own code for
this.  Just wondering aloud that if we went the route of libchromiumcontent
and a JRE what size a fully HTML UI bundle would be, and what would be
missing if attempting to do this without AWT?

> Your experiment sounds like alot of fun :)

Yes, fun, and thanks for your code, which along with the CUBA Studio stuff
made it fairly easy to put the pieces together.  Incidentally, CUBA Studio
itself is an example of a Java HTML5 UI (shipped in Electron) which seems
pretty good.

I hadn't realised we didn't have a browser-based presenter at Apache?  I
thought it had been mentioned as a fallback for the start page when this
was discussed a while back.

I'm going to experiment with mapping to the Electron desktop, window and
menu systems from Java and see how that goes.  But that's for another time
- I'm meant to be finishing off Praxis LIVE v4!

On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 at 21:41 Toni Epple <toni.ep...@eppleton.de> wrote:

> If you want a component suite, you could have a look  into kendo ui, prime
> ui, onsen ui, ionic, and many more. btw. For Polymer there’s also a nice
> data grid:
> https://www.webcomponents.org/element/TonyGermaneri/canvas-datagrid

Nice to see the HTML hack is the same as the Swing hack then - let's not
use actual components, lets just paint things that look them! ;-)

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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