On Thu, 5 Apr 2018 at 15:15 Jan Lahoda <lah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> -release the NBMs and the catalog as part of the convenience binaries (this
> will probably need a little tweaking)
> -have a (NetBeans 9.0-specific) URL setup on the netbeans-vm, like e.g.:
> http://netbeans-vm.apache.org/updates/9.0
> which would do a redirect to the Apache release using:
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua?action=download&filename=<path>

Why do we need to put this on the VM at all then?  Couldn't we just
generate the catalog.xml with those links already?  And then host the
catalog with the rest of the website?

Whichever option we end up with, https on those links would be good!

Best wishes,

Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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