Thanks Joe.
If you think that we can accept the change to creds provider, I will work on 
making all the components in nifi aws processors to be consistent.  I think 
using the creds provider interface is the way to go since it is more flexible 
and at this moment we just have 3 aws processors to migrate.
Looking forward to hearing from you/anyone else for advice/feedback.

    On Friday, January 8, 2016 5:18 AM, Joe Witt <> wrote:


I am working to put out a proposed roadmap and then probably won't be
very responsive until later tonight.  Will try to help then if no one
else has had a chance to.

That said I see what you mean in terms of a breaking change in the
processor implementation as far as anyone else that has extended it.
There have been some discussions recently about this and I think the
plan is to start annotating everything with the audience and stability
of a given bit of code.  Processors are not meant to be locked down
APIs.  So, for now, given that it has been ambiguous to the community
the best course is to probably just deprecate a given method if it
cannot be safely repurposed and then use a new one which does meet the
need in the event the controller service is supplied.  This last
statement though is not based on me having looked at the code in any
detail yet.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 8:08 AM, M Singh <> wrote:
> Hi Joe:
> I have not worked with the controller interface and aws processors so perhaps 
> you can help me understand it .
> From what I can see (as mentioned in 
>  currently, the Nifi 
> AbstractAWSProcessor has a method
> protected abstract ClientType createClient(final ProcessContext context, 
> final AWSCredentials credentials, final ClientConfiguration config);
> This method is overridden in the AbstractS3/SNS/SQSProcesors to provide the 
> respective amazon s3/sns/sqs client using AWSCredentials argument.
> Here is a snippet from AmazonS3Client:
>    public AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentials awsCredentials, ClientConfiguration 
>clientConfiguration) {        super(clientConfiguration);        
>this.awsCredentialsProvider = new StaticCredentialsProvider(awsCredentials);   
>     init();    }
> So, AmazonS3/SNS/SQSClient created with AWSCredentials use 
> StaticCredentialsProvider in their implementation.
> All the AWSCredentials impls are static creds (Anonymous/Properties 
> Credentials) except for the STSSessionCredentials which has a refresh method 
> but is deprecated in favor of the STSSessionCredentialsProvider interface.  
> AWSCredentials is the interface being used in nifi aws processors.
> The AWSCredentialsProvider interface has a fresh method which all it's 
> subclasses implement appropriately - the static ones (like 
> PropertyFileCredentialsProvider/StaticCredentialsProvider have a no op for 
> refresh method) as follows:
>    public void refresh() {}
> From what I can see, there is no common interface available for 
> AWSCredentials and AWSCredentialsProvider that Nifi's 
> AbstractAWSProcessor.createClient can support.  So if we need to use the 
> controller interface with creds providers, will will have to change 
> AbstractAWSProcessor.createClient to the following
> protected abstract ClientType createClient(final ProcessContext context, 
> final AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
> final ClientConfiguration config);
> This appears to be a breaking change for the clients who have extended the 
> AbstractAWSProcessor.createClient with the AWSCredentials argument rather 
> that the AWSCredentialsProvider.
> So, can you please elaborate on how the AbstractAWSProcessor will be able to 
> support both the current impl (ie, invoking aws components with creds) and 
> the proposed credentials provider interface ?
> Thanks
> Mans
>    On Thursday, January 7, 2016 9:00 PM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
>  Mans,
> It appears to me that there is a path for this not to be a breaking
> change for the flow.  By creating a controller service to handle the
> credential provider piece you should be able to just update the
> processor to support that controller service interface.  If the user
> sets that controller service then you use that and if they don't then
> you revert to using the older properties.  We can mark those
> properties as no longer the preferred model and deprecate them in the
> codebase then when we reach a 1.0 milestone we can remove them.
> Thanks
> Joe
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 9:07 PM, M Singh <> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Just wanted to mention that if we go with the creds provider interface it 
>> will be breaking change for nifi aws components as mentioned in 
>> Also, I am considering creating one aws creds provider controller which will 
>> provide creds provider based on property file, basic, anonymous or assume 
>> role session params.
>> Please let me know if there is any additional feedback for me.
>> Thanks again.
>> Mans
>>    On Thursday, January 7, 2016 2:56 PM, M Singh 
>><> wrote:
>>  Hi Joe:
>> Based on your feedback I will try to explore the controller interface for 
>> aws creds provider.
>> Thanks for your advice.
>> Mans
>>    On Thursday, January 7, 2016 4:15 AM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
>>  Mans
>> Appreciate you pushing this forward.  There is a related idea to better
>> handle aws credentials for all the aws  procs.  Will look more and respond.
>> Thanks
>> Joe
>> On Jan 7, 2016 6:52 AM, "M Singh" <> wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Just wanted to follow-up and see if anyone has any feedback on .
>>> Thanks
>>> Mans


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