
Do you mean support to send data to a graphdb?

A really awesome case would be sending provenance data to one and building
queries, etc... around it!

I know mattyb would be all over that.


On Sat, May 12, 2018, 7:02 AM Mike Thomsen <mikerthom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone on the dev list had given much thought to graph
> database support in NiFi. There are a lot of graph databases out there, and
> many of them seem to be half-baked or barely supported. Narrowing it down,
> it looks like the best candidates for a no fuss, decent sized graph that we
> could build up with NiFi processors would be OrientDB, Neo4J and ArangoDB.
> The first two are particularly attractive because they offer JDBC drivers
> which opens the potential to making them even part of the standard
> JDBC-based processors.
> Anyone have any opinions or insights on this issue? I might have to do
> OrientDB anyway, but if someone has a good feel for the market and can make
> recommendations that would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mike

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