We do this often by leveraging the variable registery and the expression
language to make components be more dynamic and reusable


On Sat, May 12, 2018, 20:01 scott <tcots8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Devs,
> I've got a question about an observation I've had while working with
> NiFi. Is there a better way to re-use process groups similar to how
> programming languages reference functions, libraries, classes, or
> pointers. I know about remote process groups and templates, but neither
> do exactly what I was thinking. RPGs are great, but I think the output
> goes to the root canvas level, and you have to have have connectors all
> the way back up your flow hierarchy, and that's not practical.
> Ultimately, I'm looking for an easy way to re-use process groups that
> contain common logic in many of my flows, so that I reduce the amount of
> places I have to change.
> Hopefully that made sense. Appreciate your thoughts.
> Scott

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