Yeah I agree it makes sense to move to 17… as long as we are introducing a 
potential disruptive migration, we should move to the version we can support 
longer rather than 11 which will land us back in the same situation we were in 
with 8 EOL
From: Pierre Villard <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:10:47 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [discuss] nifi 2.0 and Java 17...

Hey Joe,

I'd recommend doing the move right now and say that NiFi 2.0 requires Java
17. And we would focus on Java 21 with NiFi 3.0.
I honestly don't see any value in absolutely keeping support for Java 11
right now.


Le mer. 31 mai 2023 à 19:22, Joe Witt <> a écrit :

> Team,
> We've discussed in the past having NiFi 2.0 move from Java 8 to Java 11 as
> the required minimum while also working on Java 17.
> As we move on in time though we are now 4 months (Sept) from. Java 11
> openJDK going end of support.  Meanwhile, the Spring 5.x line goes end of
> support as of next year and Spring 6.x requires Java 17.  Also Java 21
> comes out in Sept as well and is already the next LTS release.
> I am increasingly of the view that we should seriously discuss/consider
> moving to Java 17 as our basis for NiFi 2.0 as otherwise it basically means
> we'll be forced to move to NiFi 3.0 quite quickly.
> We already know we can build and run on Java 17 so we're good there.  We'll
> soon want to do the same for Java 21 ... and the more 'old stuff' we hold
> on to the harder it is.
> Who will be seriously impacted by the removal of Java 11 and what was your
> plan for upgrading to Java 17?
> thoughts?
> Thanks

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