I'm all in favor of making 17 the requirement for 2.0

On a related note, I was asked by one of our devops guys if 17 was a good
idea for 1.X. I know we support it, but is it considered just as good as 11
for 1.21+?

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 6:15 PM Kevin Doran <kdoran.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah I agree it makes sense to move to 17… as long as we are introducing a
> potential disruptive migration, we should move to the version we can
> support longer rather than 11 which will land us back in the same situation
> we were in with 8 EOL
> ________________________________
> From: Pierre Villard <pierre.villard...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:10:47 PM
> To: dev@nifi.apache.org <dev@nifi.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: [discuss] nifi 2.0 and Java 17...
> Hey Joe,
> I'd recommend doing the move right now and say that NiFi 2.0 requires Java
> 17. And we would focus on Java 21 with NiFi 3.0.
> I honestly don't see any value in absolutely keeping support for Java 11
> right now.
> Pierre
> Le mer. 31 mai 2023 à 19:22, Joe Witt <joew...@apache.org> a écrit :
> > Team,
> >
> > We've discussed in the past having NiFi 2.0 move from Java 8 to Java 11
> as
> > the required minimum while also working on Java 17.
> >
> > As we move on in time though we are now 4 months (Sept) from. Java 11
> > openJDK going end of support.  Meanwhile, the Spring 5.x line goes end of
> > support as of next year and Spring 6.x requires Java 17.  Also Java 21
> > comes out in Sept as well and is already the next LTS release.
> >
> > I am increasingly of the view that we should seriously discuss/consider
> > moving to Java 17 as our basis for NiFi 2.0 as otherwise it basically
> means
> > we'll be forced to move to NiFi 3.0 quite quickly.
> >
> > We already know we can build and run on Java 17 so we're good there.
> We'll
> > soon want to do the same for Java 21 ... and the more 'old stuff' we hold
> > on to the harder it is.
> >
> > Who will be seriously impacted by the removal of Java 11 and what was
> your
> > plan for upgrading to Java 17?
> >
> > thoughts?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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