I would suggest that we still follow the original process before the
new workflow is ready which mean that:
1.We post the patch to dev@nuttx.apache.org or
2.Send the pull request to https://github.com/apache/incubator-nuttx
3.Only Greg can commit the patch to apache/github repo
That has already fallen apart.  I think will make no further commits at all.  I will leave handling of all changes to the PPMC
I am seeing that PMC member is starting to create the branch in the
offical repo as they see the needed.
I also thought that was an abuse of privilege.  I don't know how to manage it since everyone is an equal and there is no workflow in place.  PPMC members can choose to ignore the workflow if they want.  There is nothing to prevent them from doing that.
If we don't control this situation, we will have dozen(even hundred)
of branches in the offical repo soon.
There have been only a couple of surprises, but PPMC members are all not just making seat of the pants decisions.  It is truly on the verge of being out of control.
These random named and created branches just confuse people who clone the repo.
  It's important to keep the original workflow and ensure all patches
reviewed and committed by Greg before the automation tool is ready.

I will stop all commits until this can be worked out by the PPMC.


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