In the transition phase, only you(Greg) can merge PR or create branch,
other PPMC member shouldn't touch the official repo.
So I think there isn't difference between bitbucket and apache? we
just change the repo location, no more change until the new workflow

On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 9:15 PM Gregory Nutt <> wrote:
> > But to avoid we lose the confidence and contribution in the transition
> > phase, it's better that Greg has the special right to be the only
> > person who review and commit the code until the community agree and
> > setup the new workflow.
> > I suppose that the special period should be short and around several weeks?
> I am retiring from my job of reviewing and incorporating patches.  That
> is fully in the hands of the PPMC now.  I do not want to do that any
> more, especially not in the current circumstances.
> When I agreed to mange the commits through the transition period, that
> was conditioned on continuint to use the bitbucket repository that only
> I have access to, and then syncing the Apache repositories to the
> bitbucket repository.  That would work.
> Trying to manage a repository where people can make any kind of
> modification that they want is impossible and I will not take that job
> under those circumstances.
> If you want me to do this, then everything must come through the
> bitbucket repos.  Otherwise, I will let the PPMC deal with the lack of
> discipline as it sees fit.

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