On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 9:00 AM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Writing directly into the repository was certainly the wrong thing at
> the wrong time since I was tasked to maintain the repository.  But I
> relinquish both the task of personally reviewing and managing the flow
> all changes.  So now it is a fair thing to be address.  Now I would say
> what committers do in the repositories is up to the PPMC.  I am
> completely out of the loop other than as a voting PPMC member.
> I think the first question would be: Are the repositories a free-for-all
> where anyone with the write bit can do anything they want?  Or are their
> limitations are what they can and cannot do.  I hope that there are
> limitations or we are doomed.  I understand that the only "punishment"
> of disobeying the rules is social, technically, any committer can do
> anything they want: git rm -r *?
> Assuming that committers don't have carte blanche to do whatever they
> want in the repositories, the next question would be: Do committers have
> a different work flow than contributors outside of the project?  Would
> we need  document a separate workflow for committers?  Or would we
> annotate the work flow to indicate the alternative things you can do if
> you are one of the chosen?
> I would personally prefer that there is only one workflow and that that
> all contributors, regardless of of their privilege must follow.  Why?
> Because we much be in touch with our end users.  We must experience
> everything exactly as the end-user experiences, and not optimize things
> just to make things simpler for ourselves.  We are both committers and
> members of the same contributing community.  We are not special with
> regard to contributions.  We cannot just optimize the path for the
> chosen, we will just lose touch with the users of NuttX.  This is often
> referred to as "eating your own dogfood" and I think that each of us
> should dish ourselves up a healthy portion.
> Greg

See my mail from last night in the thread about a top-down workflow:


Item 2: Document how ANYONE (committer or not) sends proposed changes to
the project.

Item 4: Document how committers process those changes from start (receiving
the change) to finish (either committing it or rejecting it).

(Item 3, not mentioned above, is criteria for acceptance.)

That is the workflow document we need to write. In that email above, I
described  the everything that needs to be in that document.

Hopefully someone with technical writing skills will volunteer to read that
email and start working on that document. If not, I'll do it, but it will
be delayed because I am completely swamped right now.


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