On 2019/12/22 19:29:38, Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> > Don't feel bad if there is haggling. Any document, no matter who writes it
> > or how well, will need more work to fill in missing pieces, edit, etc., to
> > bring it to "shipping quality." I will try to help as much as I can in the
> > coming days, but as I said I'm really swamped right now.
> But there are issues of trust related here.   I would not trust DavidS 
> to write objective work flow requirements now.  And I have no reason to 
> believe that he would trust me to do so either. Although I can say that 
> it would be my intention to produce a fair representation of the overall 
> discussion, my references would also be reflected in certain areas.
Greg - please realize  that anything I (or you) suggest are just suggestion and 
examples. We are all going have to AGREE on what we will implement. Nothing bad 
is going to happen. None of it is in stone.

I would ask you to not couch thing in trust. It is not about trust. It is about 
experience.  You have created a wonderful gift to the world, in Nuttx. Using a 
"single commiter" model, a set of tools that you manage, and your own way of 
working.  You referred  to yourself as a Github  N00B. Other members on this 
team use github everyday. Their experience is what is of value here. I have not 
doubt that after you are a seasoned GH user of you would be able to craft the 
perfect GH work flow. 

My dad shared this with me once: If you can not dig a hole, do not stand over 
someone who is digging and tell them how to dig. Get the hell out of the way, 
let them do their job and bring them water.

Another pearl from him is: "You can't push a string"

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