
The correct syntax is:

.isramdata (NOLOAD) :  /*<- this is the segment name in the output, NOLOAD means that this segment is not to be initialized, like BSS, but the linker alread knows that BSS is NOLOAD*/
        *(.isramdata)    /*<- this is the input sections from the relocatable object files*/
    } > isram

If you dont add names between the braces, no symbol from object files get included in this segment.

And you should not initialize the variable declaration.


Le 08/06/2021 à 13:23, Tim Hardisty a écrit :
I have added this to my linker script (and other variations on that theme, all of which compile OK with no warnings or errors)

    .isramdata :
    } > isram

and declared

static uint32_tg_mcan0_msgram[MCAN0_MSGRAM_WORDS] __attribute__((section(".isramdata"))) = {0};
But it does not place the array in isram :(

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